Represents SIP requests.

The Requestclass defines a SIP request sent from a client transaction to a server transaction.

Client transactions are represented as a ClientTransaction object, and server transactions are represented as a ServerTransaction object. A request is sent by calling the SendRequest(Request) method. Any transaction may have only one associated request.

Requests are proxied by calling the CreateBranch () () () () and creating an associated ClientTransactionobject for the proxied request. To fork a request, call ServerTransaction.CreateBranchonce for each fork, and then call ClientTransaction.SendRequeston each element in the BranchCollection found at Branches .

To generate a response message for a request, call CreateResponse () () () () on the associated Requestobject. Populate the Response message with the proper status class and reason phrase, and then pass it to SendResponse(Response) , by using the ServerTransactionobject for the initial request.

When a response is returned for a specific request, a ResponseReceived event is raised on the ClientTransactionobject that sent the request, and a ResponseReceivedEventArgs object is supplied to the method that is provided to the ResponseReceivedEventHandler delegate.

The Requesttype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Request () () () () The Requestconstructor creates an instance of a Request object.
Public method Request(String) Creates a new request with the specified method type.
Public method Request(Request . . :: . . StandardMethodType) Creates a new request with the specified standard method type.
Public method Request(String, String) Creates a new request with the specified method type and target URI.
Public method Request(Request . . :: . . StandardMethodType, String) Creates a new request with the specified standard method type and target URI.


  Name Description
Public property AllHeaders Collection that contains all of the headers for this message.(Inherited from Message.)
Public property AllStamps Returns all the stamps that are associated with the message.(Inherited from Message.)
Public property AuthenticationInfo Stack-specific authentication information.(Inherited from Message.)
Public property Content Message content parsed as a string.(Inherited from Message.)
Public property Method SIP method type.
Public property RawContent Raw message content.(Inherited from Message.)
Public property Received Indicates whether this message was received by the server (as opposed to having been created by the calling application).(Inherited from Message.)
Public property RequestUri Request URI.
Public property SimpleProxy Indicates whether this request can be simple proxied.
Public property Stamp The Stampproperty contains the string that is used to stamp a message. Setting Stampmarks the message with the supplied string, which can then be read either by the application or downstream instances of the application.(Inherited from Message.)
Public property StampPool The StampPoolproperty specifies the name of the Enterprise Edition pool in which the last stamp for the application was set.(Inherited from Message.)
Public property StandardMethod Efficient representation of common SIP method types.
Public property TimeReceived The TimeReceivedproperty indicates the date and time (represented as a DateTimeobject) the message was received by the server.(Inherited from Message.)


  Name Description
Public method Clone () () () () Creates a new request based on this request.
Public method Clone(String) Creates a new request based on this request with the specified target URI.
Public method CreateResponse () () () () Creates a response to this request.
Public method CreateResponse(Int32) Creates a response to this message with the specified status code.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHeaders A read-only collection of headers of the specified type.(Inherited from Message.)
Public method Static member GetStandardMethod Returns a StandardMethodTypeenum value that matches the supplied method.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method InitializeUnmarshaled Initializes an object that is created by the application in the Unmarshaled state.(Inherited from Message.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Retarget Sets a new target user (logical destination) for the request. The actual destination address for request routing is not provided. Other applications and/or servers should come up with the route. Setting request URI directly implies that the actual destination address is provided.
Public method SetDestination Sets the destination of the request to the specified ContactInfo. Use this method instead of setting the RequestUri property directly.
Protected method SetMarshaled Updates state to Marshaled.(Overrides Message . . :: . . SetMarshaled () () () () .)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Protected field marshalContent The marshalContent field is used to marshal content.(Inherited from Message.)

Explicit interface implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICloneable . . :: . . Clone Creates a copy of this object.(Inherited from Message.)

See also