The GroupChatServicestype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method BeginBrowseChatRoomsByCriteria Browse a list of chat rooms based on a specified search criteria. The search will be performed against the chat room names, and optionally the topics and descriptions.
Public method BeginBrowseChatRoomsByInvitations Browse the list of chat rooms to which the currently logged in user has been invited. Chat room invitations are issued by the server in batches, and some invitations may not be immediately available for browsing.
Public method BeginBrowseChatRoomsByJoinedUser Browse the list of chat rooms on which the specified user is presently joined.
Public method BeginGetPreferenceBundle Get the preference bundle identified by the specified label for the currently logged in user. The sequence ID indicates the version number known to the requestor. If the requested ID matches the server version, no preference will be returned.
Public method BeginQueryChatHistory(ICollection < (Of < <' ( Uri > ) > > ) , ChatHistoryQueryOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Query the chat history for the specified collection of chat rooms, using the designated EndQueryChatHistory(IAsyncResult) .
Public method BeginQueryChatHistory(ICollection < (Of < <' ( Uri > ) > > ) , String, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object) Query the chat history for the specified collection of chat rooms, using the designated search string and match options.
Public method BeginSetPreferenceBundle Save the given preference bundle, and increment the SequenceId .
Public method EndBrowseChatRoomsByCriteria Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginBrowseChatRoomsByCriteria(String, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndBrowseChatRoomsByInvitations Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginBrowseChatRoomsByInvitations(Int32, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndBrowseChatRoomsByJoinedUser Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginBrowseChatRoomsByJoinedUser(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndGetPreferenceBundle Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetPreferenceBundle(String, Int32, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndQueryChatHistory Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginQueryChatHistory(ICollection < (Of < <' ( Uri > ) > > ) , ChatHistoryQueryOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) or BeginQueryChatHistory(ICollection < (Of < <' ( Uri > ) > > ) , String, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndSetPreferenceBundle Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginSetPreferenceBundle(GroupChatPreferenceBundle, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)

See Also