The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat SDK includes a set of samples that demonstrate how to use the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat API to manage and use chat rooms programmatically. The SampleCommon.cs file is not a full sample on its own and simply contains a set of utility functions used by the four samples discussed in this section. In order to compile and run a sample, integrate SampleCommon.cs into your Microsoft Visual Studio project along with the code for the given sample.

In This Section

  • SampleChat

    Demonstrates how to create and join a chat room and then post chat messages in the chat room.

  • SampleLoadTest

    Simulates a multiple-user load on the server and assumes the users are created and are SIP-enabled. The sample creates the category and chat rooms necessary to run the sample if they are not present.

  • SampleManagement

    Demonstrates how to create and modify Group Chat objects, such as chat room categories, chat rooms, and users.

  • SampleUserColors

    Demonstrates how to set your user colors and how to subscribe to the user colors that belong to another user.