The GroupChatEndpointtype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ActiveChatRoomSessions Gets a copy of the collection of currently active ChatRoomSession instances. Only those sessions which have successfully joined a chat room are included in the collection of ActiveChatRoomSessions . This property returns copy of the endpoint's collection. To access a single active ChatRoomSession by name, without incurring this overhead, use the indexer (see Item [ ( [ ( String ] ) ] ) ).
Public property GroupChatServices An object which provides access to a wide variety of group chat features and services. All administrative functionality and client services, with the exception of establishing a ChatRoomSession , are exposed through this object.
Public property InnerEndpoint Gets the inner endpoint which provides a conduit for delivery of messages between this client and the group chat servers.
Public property Item [ ( [ ( String ] ) ] ) Gets an active ChatRoomSession with the specified name. The name is not case sensitive.
Public property Item [ ( [ ( Uri ] ) ] ) Gets an active ChatRoomSession with the specified URI.
Public property State Gets a value indicating whether this endpoint is connected to a Group Chat server.

See Also