Overload List

  Name Description
Public method BeginSendChatMessage(String, AsyncCallback, Object) Send a chat message to the chat room. Users must first successfully join a chat room to initiate the session before a message can be sent.
Public method BeginSendChatMessage(FormattedOutboundChatMessage, AsyncCallback, Object) Sends a formatted chat message to a chat room. A formatted message can be composed of hyperlinks, emoticons, and other parts.
Public method BeginSendChatMessage(String, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object) Send a high priority message to the chat room. An alert message will be displayed within the group chat client using a different color (usually red) for emphasis. It will also, depending up on the users preferences, be announce by a bell, chime, or other sound effect. Users must first successfully join a chat room to initiate the session before a message can be sent.
Public method BeginSendChatMessage(String, String, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object) Send a story message to the chat room. Story messages are generally used for sending long-format chat messages. They are displayed in the group chat client as a one-line message, on which the title of the story appears as a clickable link. When selected, the entire content of the message is displayed in a dialog box. Users must first successfully join a chat room to initiate the session before a message can be sent.

See Also