Parameters which specify a chat history query.

The ChatHistoryQueryOptionstype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ChatHistoryQueryOptions(String) Initializes a new instance of the ChatHistoryQueryOptions class.
Public method ChatHistoryQueryOptions(String, Boolean, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the ChatHistoryQueryOptions class.


  Name Description
Public property Authors Gets or sets a collection of SIP URI's of users to match. If non-null, only messages from users having one of the specified SIP URI's will be returned.
Public property DateBeginning Gets or sets the starting date and time of this query. This value is ignored if StartingMessageID is non-zero. If no DateEnding time is set, messages between DateBeginning and [Now] will be returned. If a DateEnding time is specified, only those messages which were sent between the specified times will be returned.
Public property DateEnding Gets or sets the starting date and time of this query. This value is ignored if StartingMessageID is non-zero. If no DateBeginning time is set, messages between DateEnding and [Now] will be returned. If a DateBeginning time is specified, only those messages which were sent between the specified times will be returned.
Public property MatchCaseSensitive Gets or sets a value indicating whether the query should be performed with case sensitivity.
Public property MatchExactPhrase Gets or sets a value indicating whether to treat the SearchString as a single search term, and match on the exact phrase.
Public property ResultLimit Gets or sets the result limit, indicating the maximum number of message per chat room which should be returned by this query. The Group Chat server imposes a maximum limit on results of backchat queries. If the requested ResultLimit exceeds the server imposed limit, the server imposed limit prevails.
Public property SearchOrderReversed Gets or sets a value indicating whether messages should be searched starting with the most recent messages first. The server imposes a limit on the number of messages that can be returned in a chat history query. This property can be useful in reducing the amount of paging which is necessary when the target message occurred recently.
Public property SearchString Gets or sets the search string. The search string may consist of one or more space-separated words, each of which will be treated as a search term. If the property MatchCaseSensitive is true , this search will be case sensitive. If the property MatchExactPhrase is true , the entire search string will be treated as a single search term.
Public property SortOrderReversed Gets or sets a value indicating whether the results should be returned starting with the most recent messages first.
Public property StartingMessageID Gets or sets the starting message ID for this query. If this value is set to a non-zero value, the DateBeginning and DateEnding properties will be ignored, and the search will be performed relative to the specified message. Use this parameter to retrieve an additional page of results when a search returns ExceededServerLimit .


  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)

See Also