Most management operation begins with a call to retrieve the current set of properties that describe the object you elect to manage. You can get a reference to a group chat management object using the following procedures.



Obtain a reference to the appropriate service interface

  1. Obtain a reference to GroupChatServices from an established GroupChatEndpoint instance.

Get a chat room

  1. Obtain a reference to ChatRoomManagementServices .

  2. Invoke BeginGetChatRoom(String, AsyncCallback, Object) or BeginGetChatRoom(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object) using the name or URI of the appropriate chat room.

Get a chat room category

  1. Obtain a reference to ChatRoomCategoryManagementServices .

  2. Invoke BeginGetChatRoomCategory(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object) using the URI of the appropriate category.

The root category URI is exposed as a property on GroupChatServices .

Get a group chat add-in

  1. Obtain a reference to ChatRoomManagementServices .

  2. Invoke BeginGetAllAddIns(AsyncCallback, Object) . This method is used to obtain a complete list of all registered add-ins.

Get a list of group chat administrators

  1. Obtain a reference to GroupChatUserAdministrationServices .

  2. Invoke BeginGetGroupChatAdministrators(AsyncCallback, Object) .

Get the permissions and membership affiliations for a specific group chat user

  1. Obtain a reference to GroupChatUserAdministrationServices .

  2. Invoke BeginGetUser(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object) using the SIP URI of the user you seek.

Get a group chat user group

  1. Obtain a reference to GroupChatUserAdministrationServices .

  2. Obtain a reference to the GroupChatPrincipalSummary of the user group you seek, either from another object, or using the BeginFindUsers(String, String, String, AsyncCallback, Object) method.

  3. Invoke BeginGetUserGroup(GroupChatPrincipalSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) using the GroupChatPrincipalSummary of the group you seek.

Get a group chat federated user

  1. Obtain a reference to GroupChatUserAdministrationServices .

  2. Invoke BeginGetUser(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object) using the SIP URI of the user you seek.

Get a group chat federated user group.

  1. Obtain a reference to GroupChatUserAdministrationServices .

  2. Obtain a reference to the GroupChatPrincipalSummary of the federated user group you seek, either from another object, or using the BeginGetFederatedUserGroups(AsyncCallback, Object) method.

  3. Invoke BeginGetFederatedUserGroup(GroupChatPrincipalSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) using the GroupChatPrincipalSummary of the group you seek.

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