The ChatRoomSettingstype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AddIn Gets or sets the add-in to be used on this chat room. AddIn may be null.
Public property AllowFileUpload Gets or sets the behavior of this chat room for allowing file uploads.
Public property CreateNewMemberList Gets or sets a value indicating whether this chat room overrides the membership list of its parent category.
Public property Description Gets or sets the description of the chat room. Description may be null.
Public property IsAuditorium Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is an auditorium chat room.
Public property IsDisabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this chat room is disabled.
Public property LogChatHistory Gets or sets the behavior of this chat room for logging chat history.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of the chat room. Name is a required setting.
Public property ParentCategoryUri Gets or sets the URI of the category into which this chat room will be placed. ParentCategoryUri is a required setting.
Public property SendInvitationsToMembers Gets or sets the behavior of this chat room for sending invitations to new members.
Public property Topic Gets or sets the topic of this chat room.
Public property VisibleOnlyToMembers Gets or sets the visibility of this chat room

See Also