The ChatRoomCategorytype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowFileUpload Gets the default behavior of chat rooms in this category for allowing file uploads. File upload privileges may be restricted on a chat room, category, user, or user group level.
Public property AllowSubcategoryScopeChanges Gets a value indicating whether the scope of subcategories can be changed.
Public property CategoryMembersCanCreateChatRooms Gets a value indicating whether or not category members can create chat rooms and subcategories in this category.
Public property CategoryUri Gets the URI of the category. The URI provides a unique key for identifying a chat room category. The URI is generated by the Group Chat Server when the category is created, and is never changed.
Public property ChangeHistory Gets the change history of this category.
Public property ChildrenMustInheritProperties Gets a value indicating whether or not various properties on chat rooms and subcategories will be read-only.
Public property CreateNewMemberList Gets a value indicating whether this category overrides the membership list of its parent category.
Public property Description Gets the description of this category. The description is optional, and is used only to provide additional details about the purpose of this category.
Public property FileStoreUri Gets the file store URI. The file store URI is address of the web service to which files will be uploaded when posted to chat rooms in this category.
Public property LogChatHistory Gets the default behavior of chat rooms in this category for logging chat history.
Public property Name Gets the name of the category. A category name is used to display and reference the category for administration.
Public property ParentCategoryUri Gets the URI of the parent category of this category. Chat rooms are organized hierarchically into categories. Each category may contain any number of chat rooms, as well as other sub-categories. Each chat room and category in the system has precisely one parent category. There is a single top-level chat room category, called the root category, which is referenced by the RootCategoryUri . To change the parent category, use BeginChangeParentCategory(ChatRoomCategory, Uri, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public property SendInvitationsToMembers Gets the default behavior of chat rooms in this category for sending invitations to new members.
Public property VisibleOnlyToMembers Gets the default visibility of chat rooms in this category. Visibility defines the behavior of searches, in which a user queries the system for chat rooms matching a certain criteria (See BeginBrowseChatRoomsByCriteria(String, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object) ). Chat rooms which are not visible to a user will not appear in the search results.

See Also