A collection of methods which can be used to manage group chat users and user groups. An instance of this class may be obtained from the UserAdministrationServices property of GroupChatServices .

The GroupChatUserAdministrationServicestype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Endpoint Gets the endpoint that this service object is tied to.


  Name Description
Public method BeginCreateFederatedUser Provision a new GroupChatFederatedUser with the specified settings. The user invoking this method must have been granted IsUserAdministrator permission.
Public method BeginCreateFederatedUserGroup Create a new GroupChatFederatedUserGroup . The user invoking this method must have been granted IsUserAdministrator permission.
Public method BeginDeleteFederatedUserGroup Delete an unwanted GroupChatFederatedUserGroup . The user invoking this method must have been granted IsUserAdministrator permission. The group cannot be deleted if there are any federated users belonging to the group. Each GroupChatFederatedUser must belong to exactly one GroupChatFederatedUserGroup . To change the user group for a federated user, see BeginMoveFederatedUser(GroupChatFederatedUser, GroupChatFederatedUserGroup, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method BeginFindUsers Finds users having a first name, last name, or e-mail address containing the corresponding search string.
Public method BeginFindUsersOrGroupsByCriteria Finds users or groups whose name contains a specified search string. Users having an email address or SIP URI containing the search string will also be returned.
Public method BeginGetFederatedUser Gets the GroupChatFederatedUser for the given SIP URI.
Public method BeginGetFederatedUserGroup Gets detailed information and permissions for the specified group.
Public method BeginGetFederatedUserGroups Gets a collection of all federated user groups that have been created.
Public method BeginGetFederatedUsers Gets a collection of all federated users belonging to the specified federated user group.
Public method BeginGetGroupChatAdministrators Gets a collection of all users and user groups that have been granted IsUserAdministrator or IsChatRoomAdministrator privileges.
Public method BeginGetUser Gets the GroupChatUser for the given SIP URI.
Public method BeginGetUserGroup Gets detailed information, permissions, and membership affiliations for the specified group.
Public method BeginMoveFederatedUser Change the federatedUserGroup to which the given federatedUser belongs. The user invoking this method must have been granted IsUserAdministrator permission.
Public method BeginUpdateUserOrGroupInformation Updates the specified user or user group with the given information. The user invoking this method must already have been granted IsUserAdministrator permission. Users and groups that are provisioned from Active Directory have a set of GroupChatPrincipalInformation that can be updated using this method. Federated users and groups have additional information stored about them which can be updated if this method is invoked with a GroupChatFederatedUserInformation or a GroupChatFederatedUserGroupInformation .
Public method EndCreateFederatedUser Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginCreateFederatedUserGroup(String, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndCreateFederatedUserGroup Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginCreateFederatedUserGroup(String, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndDeleteFederatedUserGroup Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginDeleteFederatedUserGroup(GroupChatFederatedUserGroup, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndFindUsers Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginFindUsers(String, String, String, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndFindUsersOrGroupsByCriteria Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginFindUsersOrGroupsByCriteria(String, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndGetFederatedUser Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetFederatedUser(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndGetFederatedUserGroup Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetFederatedUserGroup(GroupChatPrincipalSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndGetFederatedUserGroups Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetFederatedUserGroups(AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndGetFederatedUsers Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetFederatedUsers(GroupChatPrincipalSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndGetGroupChatAdministrators Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetGroupChatAdministrators(AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndGetUser Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetUser(Uri, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndGetUserGroup Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginGetUserGroup(GroupChatPrincipalSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndMoveFederatedUser Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginMoveFederatedUser(GroupChatFederatedUser, GroupChatFederatedUserGroup, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndUpdateUserOrGroupInformation Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginUpdateUserOrGroupInformation(GroupChatPrincipalInformation, AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)

See Also