The ChatRoomSessiontype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public event ChatMessageReceived Raised when a chat message is received. For best results, register for this event before invoking BeginJoin(ChatRoomSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) on the session.
Public event ChatRoomPropertiesChanged Raised when the properties of the chat room change. For best results, register for this event before invoking BeginJoin(ChatRoomSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) on the session.
Public event ChatRoomSessionStateChanged Raised when the joined state of this session changes. This event will fire when invoking BeginJoin(ChatRoomSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) or BeginLeave(AsyncCallback, Object) on the session. It will also be fired if the membership privileges of the currently logged in user change, or if the GroupChatEndpoint is disconnected. For best results, register for this event before invoking BeginJoin(ChatRoomSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) on the session.
Public event ParticipantAttendanceChanged Raised when a participant joins the chat room. For best results, register for this event before invoking BeginJoin(ChatRoomSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) on the session.
Public event ParticipantPrivilegeChanged Raised when a participant joins the chat room. Privileges monitored by this event include Manager and Presenter . For best results, register for this event before invoking BeginJoin(ChatRoomSummary, AsyncCallback, Object) on the session.

See Also