The ChatRoomSessiontype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AddIn Gets the current add-in which applies to this chat room.
Public property CanChat Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current user can chat. If IsAuditorium , the user must have Presenter permission to chat.
Public property CanManage Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current user can manage this chat room.
Public property ChatRoomUri Gets the URI of the chat room to which this session is joined. If the session is not joined, this property is null.
Public property Endpoint Gets the endpoint on which this session was established.
Public property IsAuditorium Gets the value indicating if the chat room is an auditorium chat room. When true , only those members who have been granted Presenter privileges may post messages. If the session is not joined, this property returns false .
Public property Name Gets the name of the chat room to which this session is joined. If the session is not joined, this property is null.
Public property ParentCategoryUri Gets the URI of the category for the chat room to which this session is joined. If the session is not joined, this property is null.
Public property Participants Gets the participant list of the chat room to which this session is joined. If the session is not joined, this property returns null.
Public property State Gets a value indicating whether this session is joined.
Public property Topic Gets the topic of the chat room to which this session is joined. If the session is not joined, this property is null.

See Also