Topic Last Modified: 2010-12-14
Dial-in conferencing provides a way for users to use a "regular" telephone (that is, a device on the public switched telephone network) to join the audio portion of a conference.
Dial-In Conferencing Cmdlets
If you do not want to allow dial-in conferencing you can disable this capability by using the Set-CsConferencingPolicy cmdlet and setting the EnableDialInConferencing property to False. By default, all users are allowed to host meetings that include dial-in conferencing.
Dial-In Conferencing
- Get-CsConferenceDirectory
- Move-CsConferenceDirectory
- New-CsConferenceDirectory
- Remove-CsConferenceDirectory
- Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber
- New-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber
- Remove-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber
- Set-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber
- Get-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration
- New-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration
- Remove-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration
- Set-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration
- Get-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration
- New-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration
- Remove-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration
- Set-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration