Topic Last Modified: 2011-04-06
When you configure the Call Park service, it is possible to associate custom on hold music that plays for your callers while they are on hold. If you remove the server where this file is saved, you will lose the on hold audio file. You should backup the file before removing the server.
To locate and save the music on
hold audio file
Log on to the computer where Lync Server Management Shell is installed as a member of the Domain Admins group or the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group.
Start the Lync Server Management Shell: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Management Shell.
Before you can save the audio file, you must find where it is stored. The file will be located in a file store path in the form:
“\\<machineFQDN>\<FileStore>\<ServiceID>\AppServerFiles\CPS\<audio file name>” -
To locate the <Service>, type:
Copy Code
Get-CsService -ApplicationServer | ft ServiceID
This command returns only the ServiceID property. For example, a ServiceID of 1-ApplicationServer-1. -
Copy Code
(Get-CsService ((Get-CsService -ApplicationServer | ?{$_.ServiceID -eq "<ServiceID>"}).FileStore)).UncPath
For example, the result from the command \\\filestore
is appended to\1-ApplicationServer-1\AppServerFiles\CPS\MOH.wma
. Where 1-ApplicationServer-1 is the Service ID, and MOH.wma is the music on hold audio file name. -
Copy Code
copy \\<machineFQDN>\<FileStore>\<ServiceID>\AppServerFiles\CPS\<audio file name> C:\Users\<AdministratorAccount>\Downloads
For example:
Copy Code
copy \\\filestore\1-ApplicationServer-1\AppServerFiles\CPS\MOH.wma C:\Users\Administrator.Contoso\Downloads
Where 1-ApplicationServer-1 is the Service ID, and MOH.wma is the music on hold audio file name.
You can use the Lync Server Management Shell to type the command because the cmdlet Copy-Item behaves like the copy command available in the Windows command prompt.