Topic Last Modified: 2011-01-28

Effective planning for Enhanced 9-1-1 requires that you take into account the following:

Deployment Prerequisites for E9-1-1

Before you deploy E9-1-1, you must already have deployed your Microsoft Lync Server 2010 internal servers, including either a Front End pool or a Standard Edition server, and Lync Server 2010 clients. In addition, an E9-1-1 deployment requires a SIP trunk to a certified emergency services provider. Lync Server only supports using E9-1-1 with certified emergency services providers located inside of the United States.

Deployment Process

The following table provides an overview of the E9-1-1 deployment process. For details about deployment steps, see Configure Enhanced 9-1-1 in the Deployment documentation.

Phase Steps Roles Deployment documentation

Configure Voice Routes

  1. Create a new PSTN usage record. This is the same name that is used for the PSTN Usage setting in the Location Policy.

  2. Create a new voice route using the PSTN usage record created in the previous step and point to the SIP trunk.

  3. Optionally, create a local route for calls that are not handled by the emergency services provider’s SIP Trunk.


Configure an E9-1-1 Voice Route

Create Location Policies and assign them to users and subnets

  1. Review the global Location Policy

  2. Create a Location Policy with a tagged scope.

    Tagged scope means that the Location Policy can be assigned to either a user or a network site.

  3. Assign the Location Policy to Network Sites

  4. Add the appropriate subnets to the network site.

  5. (optionally) Assign the location policy to user policies.


CSLocationAdmin (except for creating Location Policies)

Create Location Policies

Add a Location Policy to a Network Site

Associate Subnets with Network Sites for E9-1-1

Configure the Location Database

  1. Populate the database with a mapping of network elements to locations.

  2. Configure the connection to the emergency services provider.

  3. Validate the addresses with the emergency services provider.

  4. Publish the updated database.



Configure the Location Database

Configure Advanced Features (Optional)

  1. Configure the URL for the SNMP application.

  2. Configure the URL for the location of the Secondary Location Information Service.


Configure an SNMP Application

Configure a Secondary Location Information Service