Topic Last Modified: 2012-11-01
To view information for an existing dial plan, perform the steps in the following procedure. If you want to create a new dial plan, see Create a Dial Plan.
To view information about a dial plan from Lync Server Control Panel
Log on to the computer as a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group, or as a member of the CsVoiceAdministrator, CsServerAdministrator, or CsAdministrator role. For details, see Delegate Setup Permissions.
Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server Administrative Tools.
In the left navigation bar, click Voice Routing and then click Dial Plan.
On the Dial Plan page, double-click a dial plan name.
Note: You can view information for only one dial plan at a time.
To view dial plans by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Dial plans can be viewed by using the Windows PowerShell command-line interface and the Get-CsDialPlan cmdlet. This cmdlet can be run either from the Lync Server 2013 Management Shell or from a remote session of Windows PowerShell. For details about using remote Windows PowerShell to connect to Lync Server, see the Lync Server Windows PowerShell blog article "Quick Start: Managing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Using Remote PowerShell" at
To view information about all your dial plans, type the following command in the Lync Server Management Shell, and then press ENTER:
Copy Code Get-CsDialPlan
That command will return information similar to this:
Copy Code Identity : Global Description : DialinConferencingRegion : NormalizationRules : {Description=; Pattern=^(\d+)$;Translation=$1;Name= KeepAll;IsInternalExtension=False} CountryCode : State : City : ExternalAccessPrefix : SimpleName : DefaultProfile OptimizeDeviceDialing : False