Topic Last Modified: 2012-10-02
If you attempt to run the Topology Builder Merge wizard without installing the WMI Backward Compatibility package, you will see the following error:
If you attempt to run the Merge-CsLegacytopology cmdlet without installing the WMI Backward Compatibility package, you will see the following error:
To install the WMI Backward Compatibility Package
From your installation media, navigate to \SETUP\AMD64\SETUP\OCSWMIBC.MSI.
Important: OCSWMIBC.msi must be installed on the computer where the Topology Builder Merge wizard is run. However, we recommend installing OCSWMIBC.msi on all Front End servers in your topology. Important: OCSWMIBC.msi can be installed on any computer in the domain that has the Lync Server 2013 Core Components and the Lync Server 2013 Management Shell installed, and has access to the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 topology (WMI provider to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and SQL Server).