Topic Last Modified: 2012-10-06
This section contains sample queries for the Persistent Chat database.
Use the following example to get a list of your most active Persistent Chat rooms after a certain date.
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SELECT nodeName as ChatRoom, COUNT(*) as ChatMessages FROM tblChat, tblNode WHERE channelId = nodeID AND dbo.fnTicksToDate(chatDate) > '1/1/2011' GROUP BY nodeName ORDER BY ChatMessages DESC |
Use the following example to get a list of your most active users after a certain date.
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SELECT prinName as Name, count(*) as ChatMessages FROM tblChat, tblPrincipal WHERE prinID = userId AND dbo.fnTicksToDate(chatDate) > '1/1/2011' GROUP BY prinName ORDER BY ChatMessages DESC |
Use the following example to get a list of everyone who ever sent a message with "Hello World" in it.
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SELECT nodeName as ChatRoom, prinName as Name, content as Message FROM tblChat, tblNode, tblPrincipal WHERE channelId = nodeID AND userId = prinID AND content like '%Hello World%' |
Use the following example to get a list of group memberships for a certain principal.
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SELECT prinName as Name FROM tblPrincipalAffiliations as pa, tblPrincipal where principalID = 7 and affiliationID = prinID |
Use the following example to get a list of every chat room that a user, Jane Dow, is a direct member of.
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SELECT DISTINCT nodeName as ChatRoom, prinName as Name FROM tblPrincipalRole, tblPrincipal, tblNode WHERE prinRoleNodeID = nodeID AND prinRolePrinID = prinID AND prinName = 'Jane Dow' |
Use the following example to get a list of invitations that a user has received.
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SELECT prinName ,nodeName ,invID ,createdOn FROM tblPrincipalInvites as inv, tblPrincipal as p, tblNode as n where inv.prinID = 5 AND inv.prinID = p.prinID and inv.nodeID = n.nodeID ORDER BY invID DESC |