Topic Last Modified: 2012-10-16

You edit the properties of the Front End Server or Front End pool by editing or configuring the following attributes. The configuration page is separated into the following sections:



Web services

Mediation Server

If you make changes to the properties in this dialog, you must publish the topology and run the Lync Server Deployment Wizard on all affected servers. After publishing the new topology, a list of affected servers where the Lync Server Deployment Wizard must be run is provided for you as a link on the successful topology publishing summary screen. For details on publishing the updated topology, see Publish the Topology. For details on the Lync Server Deployment Wizard , see Lync Server Administrative Tools.
Front End Server general properties page

Click OK to save and commit your changes to the topology document.

Click Cancel to discard your changes and close the Edit Properties for the Front End Server or Front End pool.

Click Help to read this help topic.

See Also