Topic Last Modified: 2012-06-20
If you intend to use Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Monitoring Reports (see the next section of this documentation for more information) you must first install SQL Server Reporting Services; Reporting Services can be installed at the same time you install Microsoft SQL Server or any time after SQL Server has been installed. If you have not installed SQL Server, then follow the instructions provided earlier in this documentation. When installing SQL Server, make sure that, on the Feature Selection page, you select Reporting Services. That will install SQL Server Reporting Services.
If you have already installed SQL Server but did not install SQL Server Reporting Services you can add that feature by following the appropriate set of instructions for SQL Server 2008 R2 or SQL Server 2012, as appropriate.
To verify that the reporting Services have been successfully installed, complete the following steps:
If you are running Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, then click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, click Configuration Tools, and then click Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
If you are running Microsoft SQL Server 2012, then click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2012, click Configuration Tools, and then click Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
In the Reporting Services Configuration Connection dialog box, verify that the name of your server appears in the Server Name box and that the name of the SQL Server instance that stores your monitoring data appears in the Report Server Instance box. Click Connect.
In the Reporting Service Configuration Manager, the Report Server Status pane should show that SQL Server Reporting Services has been installed and that the Reporting Services are currently running: the Report Server Status should be shown as Started and the Start button should be grayed-out and unavailable. If the Reporting Service is not running, click Start in order to start the service.
If no database is listed next to the Report Server Database Name label then do the following:
In the Reporting Services Configuration Manager click Database.
In the Report Server Database pane click Change Database.
In the Report Server Database Configuration wizard, in the Action pane, select Create a new report server database and then click Next.
In the Report Server Database Configuration wizard, in the Database Server pane, verify that the information listed in the Server Name, Authentication Type, and Username boxes is correct. Click Test Connection to verify that a connection can be made to the database server and then click Next.
In the Report Server Database Configuration wizard, in the Database pane, accept the default values for Database Name, Language, and Report Server Mode and then click Next.
In the Report Server Database Configuration wizard, in the Credentials pane, verify that the correct information is listed in the Authentication Type dropdown list and the User name and Password boxes, and then click Next.
In the Report Server Database Configuration wizard, in the Summary pane, click Next.
In the Report Server Database Configuration wizard, in the Progress and Finish pane, click Finish.
To verify that the Reporting Service URLs have been configured, click Web Service URL. You should see one or more URLs listed under the heading Report Server Web Service URLs. Click each of these URLs to verify that you can reach the home page for the local installation of SQL Server Reporting Services.