Topic Last Modified: 2012-09-24

The topics in this section help you get started with planning your Lync Server deployment.

In This Section

  • Deciding how to deploy Microsoft Lync provides guidelines for choosing between these basic deployment scenarios for Lync Server 2013.

  • Beginning the planning process helps you understand how to get started planning an on-premises deployment and how the planning documentation works with Topology Builder.

  • Topology basics you must know before planning describes the basics of Lync Server topologies, including sites, server pools, and topologies that support high availability and disaster recovery.

  • Initial planning decisions takes you through the questions you must answer to decide what workloads and features of Lync Server to deploy.

  • Clients for Lync Server 2013 describes the different types of client software that you can deploy to your organization’s users, including computer-installed client software, web-based clients, and mobile devices.

  • Reference topologies shows three sample topologies that illustrate good topology design in three typical organization types, and explains the reasoning behind many of the decisions in designing those topologies.