This topic describes using shell variables to display application metadata. This information can also be passed to the Move-DominoApplication cmdlet for migrating data to Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. You can display the information to the console or store it off-line. You can also query shell variables by using Microsoft Windows PowerShell commands for reporting.

The following table shows the various ways that a shell variable can be used to retrieve metadata from Domino applications.

The following example creates a shell variable named $App:

  Copy Code

 $App argument  Description


Displays name.


Displays total number of applications.

$App | select-object name, StorageByteSize | sort-object StorageByteSize

Selects only the Name and StorageByteSize, sorts by StorageByteSize and displays it.


Displays first application's metadata.


Displays the number of stored items associated with the first database.


Displays a list of access control list (ACL) roles from the first database.


Displays details for the first database's Second Role.


Displays the privileges that are enabled for the first database's Second Role.

For More Information

For more information about shell variables supported by the Exchange Management Shell, see Shell Variables.