This topic provides a list of known issues as well as methods to troubleshoot problems with user migration.
Known Issues
- If you receive an error that states "Value
cannot be null. Parameter name: RequestUri", disable the Proxy
for the local Internet Explorer client.
- When user migration is stopped or cancelled,
the current item finishes migrating. Items that have already been
migrated are not affected.
- To migrate users to multiple
Active Directory directory service forests, run user migration
separately in each forest.
- When mailbox accounts are created in
Active Directory, the accounts are created in the current
- When matching Lotus Domino users to
Active Directory accounts, Users, Mail Users, Mailbox Users,
and Contacts are considered for matches. New accounts are created
as Mail Users or Mailbox Users.
- A hard match is found when a Domino Directory
user's SMTP address matches a proxy address in an
Active Directory account. To override a hard match, remove the
proxy addresses from the account in Active Directory.
- When a contact is manually selected and no
soft match is found, the following error occurs: "There was a
problem encountered during the process of enabling the user."
Manually remove the contact, and then populate the contact
information to the target user.
- If a Notes user has multiple Internet e-mail
addresses, the addresses are migrated to Active Directory if
the additional addresses are listed in the Domino Directory Person
document's User Name (FullName) field.