You can use the Generalto tab in the Web Components Propertiesdialog box to specify the following settings, which apply to all meetings scheduled by users in the pool:

To configure scheduled meeting settings for a Web Components Server

  1. Open the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 snap-in.

  2. In the console tree, expand the forest node, and then do one of the following:

    • For an Enterprise pool, expand Enterprise pools, right-click the pool, click Properties, and then click Web Component Properties.

    • For a Standard Edition server, expand Standard Edition servers, right-click the pool, click Properties, and then click Web Component Properties.

  3. On the Generaltab, in Meeting schedule settings, do the following:

    • In Organization, type the name of your organization.

    • In Maximum scheduled meetings per user, type the maximum number of meetings a user can have at the same time.

    • In Default admission type, select whether a user needs be authenticated before they can attend a meeting.