The Archiving, Monitoring, and Mediation Servers must all be installed on dedicated computers. The Mediation Server must be on its own computer, whereas Archiving Server and Monitoring Server can coexist on a single computer or be installed on separate computers. Edge Servers are also separate computers. Regardless of whether you have installed Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Enterprise Edition with a Consolidated configuration or an Expanded configuration, all these server roles can be installed and setup of from the wizard by running SetupEE.exe and selecting Deploy Other Server Roles.

All of these server roles can also be installed and set up from the command line. This section includes instructions for setting up Archiving Server, Monitoring Server, Mediation Server, and Edge Server roles from the command line.

Before installing Edge Servers, see Set Up the Infrastructure for Edge Serversin the Deploying Edge Servers for External User Access documentation to ensure your computers are prepared for Edge Server installation.

To install Archiving Server

  1. Install Message Queuing. This is a Windows feature that must be installed from Control Panel Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs). For details, see Install and Configure Message Queuing.

  2. Install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Backwards Compatibility Pack. This was installed on the Back End Server as part of creating the Enterprise pool, but it also needs to be installed on the computer on which the Archiving Server is installed. This must be installed regardless of which version of SQL Server is being used.

    SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi /qr

  3. Install Archiving Server. When you install the Archiving Server with the /qroption (to run in quiet mode) you must specify the /LOGSRVQparameter. Assign this parameter the name of the message queue that will be used by the Archiving Server. If the message queue does not exist, it will be created as part of the installation.

    archservice.msi LOGSRVQ=LcsLog /qr

  4. Activate the Archiving Server.

    LCSCmd.exe /Archiving /Action:Activate /backend:<SQL instance name (computer\instance name)> /dbname:<database name> /DBDataPath:<DB data file path> /DBLogPath:<DB log file path> [/Password:<Account Password>] [/RefDomain:<Domain FQDN>] [/PDCRequired[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/GlobalSettingsDC:<FQDN of a global settings domain controller>] [/DC:<domain controller FQDN>] [/GC:<Global Catalog FQDN>] [/Global:{Configuration | System}] [/User:<Account Name>] [/NoStart[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/clean[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/L:<log file path>][/XML[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/?[:{TRUE|FALSE}]]

    Here is the same command with sample data.

    LCSCmd.exe /Archiving /Action:Activate /Password:p@ssw0rd /backend:ArchivingServer\Live /dbname:Archive /DBDataPath:"e:\Microsoft\LC Data" /DBLogPath:"e:\Microsoft\LC Archiving Log"

  5. If a certificate has not been assigned on this computer, assign a certificate. For details, see Assigning Certificates (Command Line).

  6. Start the Archiving Server service.

    net start RTCLOG

To install Monitoring Server

  1. Install Message Queuing. This is a Windows feature that must be installed from Control Panel Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs). For details, see Install and Configure Message Queuing for Monitoring Serverin the Deploying Monitoring Server documentation.

  2. Install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Backwards Compatibility Pack. This was installed on the Back End Server as part of creating the Enterprise pool, but it also needs to be installed on the computer on which the Monitoring Server is installed. This must be installed regardless of which version of SQL Server is being used.

    SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi /qr

  3. Install Monitoring Server.

    monitoringserver.msi /qr

  4. Activate Monitoring Server.

    LCSCmd.exe /Monitoring /Action:Activate /backend:<SQL instance name (computer\instance name)> /qoedbdatapath:<QoE database data file path> /qoedblogpath:<QoE database log file path> [/cdrdbdatapath:<CDR database data file path>] [/cdrdblogpath:<CDR database log file path>] [/RefDomain:<Domain FQDN>] [/PDCRequired[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/GlobalSettingsDC:<FQDN of a global settings domain controller>] [/DC:<domain controller FQDN>] [/GC:<Global Catalog FQDN>] [/Global:{Configuration | System}] [/User:<Account Name>] [/Password:<Account Password>] [/NoStart[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/clean[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/L:<log file path>][/XML[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/?[:{TRUE|FALSE}]]

    Here is the same command with sample data.

    LCSCmd /Monitoring /Action:Activate /Password:p@ssw0rd /backend:BEServer\SQLBE /qoedbdatapath:C:\QoEData /qoedblogpath:C:\QoELog /cdrdbdatapath:C:\CDRData /cdrdblogpath:C:\CDRLog

  5. Start the Monitoring services.

    Start the QoE Monitoring service.

    net start RtcQms

    Start the Call Detail Recording service.

    net start RTCCDR

To install Mediation Server

  1. Install the Mediation Server.

    mediationserver.msi /qr

  2. Activate the Mediation Server.

    LCSCmd.exe /MedSrv /Action:Activate /Password:<Account Password> [/RefDomain:<Domain FQDN>] [/PDCRequired[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/GlobalSettingsDC:<FQDN of a global settings domain controller>] [/DC:<domain controller FQDN>] [/GC:<Global Catalog FQDN>] [/Global:{Configuration | System}][/User:<Account Name>] [/NoStart[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/Force[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/L:<log file path>] [/XML[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/?[:{TRUE|FALSE}]]

    Here is the same command with sample data.

    LCSCmd /MedSrv /Action:Activate /Password:<password>

  3. Assign a certificate to the Mediation Server. For details, see Assigning Certificates (Command Line).

  4. Start the service.

    net start RTCMEDSRV

  5. Ensure the Mediation Server has been properly configured. For details, see Configuring a Mediation Serverin the Deploying Enterprise Voice documentation.

To install Edge Servers

  1. Install the Edge Server.

    server.msi SKU=EE Server=AP /qr

    Use a SKU of SE for a Standard Edition Server.

  2. Activate the Edge Server.

    LCSCmd /Server /Action:activate /Role:AP /Components:AP,DP,MR /Password:<password>

  3. Configure the Edge Server.

    If you do not have an existing Edge Server installation, follow the instructions in Configure Edge Servers to configure your new Edge Server. If you do have a previous Edge Server installation, you can configure your new Edge Server by exporting the configuration from the old server and importing that configuration on the new server. To do this, on the previous Edge Server, export the configuration.

    LCSCmd /Config /Action:Export /ConfigFile:C:\ServerConfig.xml /Level:machine

    Copy the configuration file (in this example, ServerConfig.xml) to the new Edge Server (or share out the folder in which the file resides). On the new Edge Server, import this file.

    LCSCmd /Config /Action:Import /ConfigFile:C:\ServerConfig.xml /Level:machine

  4. Assign a certificate to the Edge Server. For details, see Assigning Certificates (Command Line). When you request or import the certificate, be sure to add the /Componentsparameter. Unlike the /Componentsparameter in the Assignaction, the /Componentsparameter in the Certaction can accept only one value at a time. Here is an example that assigns the certificate to the Access Edge Server (AP).

    LCSCmd /Cert /Action:Request /OU:Marketing /Org:contoso / /country:US /city:Redmond /state:Washington /assign:True /\contoso-CA /components:AP

  5. Start the services.

    Start the Access Edge service.

    net start RtcSrv

    Start the Audio/Video Authentication service.

    net start RTCMRAUTH

    Start the Audio/Video Edge service.

    net start RTCMEDIARELAY

    Start the Web Conferencing Edge Service.

    net start RTCDATAPROXY