Table 3 lists common Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) errors and describes the possible cause and resolution.

For general Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) information, see Microsoft Identity Integration Server at HTTP:// .

Table 3. Common MIIS Errors

Error Constant Description


The run step failed to start because the domain controller could not be contacted by the server. The next step in the run profile will not run and obsolete data will not be removed. If an import step returned this value, the next step will not be attempted again and any placeholder objects will not be removed.

Verify that the domain controller is connected to the network.

If this string is the value for the MIIS_ManagementAgent.RunStatusproperty, then a run step is not currently running but a run step did run in the past.


The run step failed to start because domain or naming context was deleted. The next step in the run profile will not run and obsolete data will not be removed. If an import run step returned this value, the next step will not be retried and any placeholder objects will not be removed.

Verify that the specified partition still exists.

If this string is the value for the MIIS_ManagementAgent.RunStatusproperty, then a run step is not currently running but a run step did run in the past.


The run step failed to start because the required partition is not selected in the management agent properties Configure Directory Partitionsdialog box. The next step in the run profile will not run and obsolete data will not be removed. If an import step returned this value, the next step will not be retried and placeholder objects will not be removed.

Verify that the appropriate partition is selected.

For more information, see "Configure directory partitions" in Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Help.

If this string is the value for the MIIS_ManagementAgent.RunStatusproperty, then a run step is not currently running but a run step did run in the past.


The run step failed to start because the selected partition in the Configure Directory Partitionsdialog box of the management agent properties was renamed. Verify that the appropriate partition is selected.

For more information, see "Configure directory partitions" in Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Help.

If this string is the value for the MIIS_ManagementAgent.RunStatusproperty, then a run step is not currently running but a run step did run in the past.


The run step stopped because the specified assembly name could not be found. The next step in the run profile will not run and obsolete data will not be removed. If an import step returned this value, the step will not be attempted again and placeholder objects will not be removed.

Check the event log for the assembly name that the server was trying to load. Next, in Properties, in the Configure Rules Extensionsdialog box of the management agent or in Configure Rules Extensionson the Metaverse Rules Extensionstab, specify the correct assembly name to prevent this return value.

For more information, see "Configure rules extensions" for management agent rule extensions or "Configure provisioning for metaverse rule extensions" in Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Help.

If this string is the value for the MIIS_ManagementAgent.RunStatusproperty, then a run step is not currently running but a run step did run in the past.


This error can be returned when Microsoft SQL Server database software is stopped and you are trying to run Management Agents.

The run step stopped because of an unknown server error. The next step in the run profile will not run and obsolete data will not be removed. If an import step returned this value, the processing of retries and cleanup of placeholder objects is canceled.

Resolve the server error.

If this string is the value for the MIIS_ManagementAgent.RunStatusproperty, then a run step is not currently running but a run step did run in the past.


The run step stopped because of insufficient server memory. The next step in the run profile will not run and obsolete data will not be removed. If an import run step returned this value, the processing of retries and cleanup of placeholder objects is canceled.

Increase the server memory.


The run step stopped because the specified assembly name cannot be loaded due to an unknown error. The next step in the run profile will not run and obsolete data will not be removed. If an import run step returned this value, the processing of retries and cleanup of placeholder objects is canceled.

Check the event log for the assembly name that the server was trying to load.