Flat file logging that was a part of prior server releases, such as Live Communications Server 2005 SP1, is no longer part of the product and has been replaced with functionality of the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Logging Tool. However, for troubleshooting purposes, you can use Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Logging Tool to get the equivalent of flat file logs, but the current functionality is not identical to that previously available in Live Communications Server 2005 SP1.
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In Live Communications Server 2005 SP1, flat file logging could be used for collecting information about system usage at a specific time, such as instant messages from users (for example, from userA@contoso.com to userB@contoso.com). In Office Communications Server 2007 R2, the recommended way of capturing this information is to deploy an Archiving Server. |
Use the following procedure to implement the Office
Communications Server 2007 R2 version of this functionality. For
details about the Archiving Server, see the Archiving Server
documentation in the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 TechNet
Library at
To get flat file logging
equivalent logs
Open Office Communications Server 2007 R2, Logging Tool, New Debug Session.
In the Componentslist, select the SIPStackcheck box.
In Flags, select the All flagscheck box or select the check boxes for the appropriate individual flags, including any the following: TF_PROTOCOL, TF_CONNECTION, TF_SECURITY, TF_DIAG. In Level, click Errors, Warnings, or Information. The approximate mapping of these flags and levels to prior FFL levels 1-4 is as follows:
- FFL level 1:
Errorslevel for
- FFL level 2:
Warningslevel for
TF_DIAG, in addition to level 1 flags
- FFL level 3:
Informationlevel for
TF_DIAG, in addition to level 1 and 2 flags
- FFL level 4:
TF_PROTOCOL, in addition to level 1, 2, and 3 flags
- FFL level 1:
Errorslevel for
To start logging, click Start Logging, and then to stop logging, click Stop Logging.
Click View Log Files.
Select the SIPStackcheck box.
View the equivalent of flat-file logging output in Microsoft Notepad.