Advanced options are specified using the Advanced Optionsmenu. With the exception of the Display Times in UTCoption for formatting, you should not change any of the Advanced Optionssettings unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support. Advanced Optionssettings include the following:

The following variables are supported for each prefix:

To specify advanced options

  1. Open Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Logging Tool, New Debug Session.

  2. Click Advanced Options.

  3. Click one of the following tabs:

    • Formatting

    • Buffering

    • Clock Resolution

    • Additional Components

  4. Specify the appropriate options.

    We recommend that you not adjust the Buffering, Clock Resolution, or Additional Componentsoptions, or the Format file search pathoption of Formattingunless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support.