The topics in this section guide you through the process of upgrading Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Evaluation Edition to the full version of Office Communications Server 2007 R2. These topics have the following scope and criteria:
- Migration from Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Evaluation
Edition is supported only for the volume editions of Office
Communications Server 2007 R2.
- Migration from the Evaluation Edition is supported for the
following Office Communications Server roles:
- Standard Edition server
- Enterprise pool
- Edge Servers
- Standard Edition server
- Upgrading the following server roles and tools is not required.
These server roles and components do not require a product key for
installation and therefore are not subject to the evaluation expiry
- Mediation Server
- Archiving Server
- Monitoring Server
- Communicator Web Access
- Group Chat Server
- Mediation Server
Important: |
If you cancel the upgrade while files are being installed, your server will not perform as designed. |
You must upgrade all servers that are running the Evaluation Edition of the following server roles:
- Enterprise pools, Standard Edition servers, or both
- Directors
- Edge Servers
The recommended upgrade sequence is as follows:
- Internal servers: Enterprise pool, Standard Edition Server and
- Edge Servers
If you are upgrading from any Evaluation Edition server role to the full version of the same server role, you can perform the upgrade in place by running the Windows Installer file Server.msi that is included with the full version. Server.msi will update your installation and preserve any configuration data and existing databases on either a Standard Edition or an Enterprise Edition server.
Note: |
To upgrade from the Evaluation Edition to a different edition of the full version, such as replacing the Enterprise Edition of a Standard Edition server with the full version of an Enterprise Edition server, you must perform a side-by-side migration and then move your users to the new server. |