Group Chat servers produce troubleshooting log files that report important information that may be helpful in diagnosing problems with your Group Chat deployment. Log files are located in the installation directory, under Logs. If default values are accepted during server installation, the path to these log files is: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2\Group Chat Server\Logs.
Log levels are set in the Group Chat Server Configuration Tool. Logging is configured separately for each service:
- Lookup service
- Channel service
- Web service
- Compliance service
The following log levels are available:
Trace(most verbose): The Trace level is usually reserved for
support use.
Debug: The Debug level records specific events that affect
system performance, as well as data associated with each event.
Info(default): The Info level records specific events that
affect system performance. It records less data associated with
each event.
Warn: The Warn level records user action or input that is
not valid and other events.
Error: The Error level records all errors except for
operations that fail due to user input or action that is not valid.
Critical: The Critical level records events that are
debilitating to the system but not fatal. These events are included
in the Event Viewer Application log as Warning events.
Fatal(least verbose): The Fatal level records only extremely
urgent events that will cause the system to fail and shut down.
They are included in the Event Viewer Application log as Error
All events generated at the log level selected are recorded in the log, along with all events generated at all levels above it, towards least verbose. For example, if the log level is set to Info, all events at the Info level, plus all the events at the Warn, Error, Critical, and Fatal levels, are recorded.
The more verbose the level, the more information recorded. For example, if the log level is set to Info, the log reaches capacity faster than if the log level is set to Warn. A level of Debug or Trace can fill the log file to capacity in a very short amount of time.
A new log is created when the current log reaches a size of 50 MB. After a log reaches capacity, it is archived, with 10 logs kept in the archive at a time. When a new log is archived and there are already 10 archived logs, the oldest archived log is removed, so at any one time, no more than 10 logs are archived.
Log level changes made in the Group Chat Server Configuration Tool take effect immediately. The servers do not need to be restarted.