If the Domain Name System (DNS) has not been configured to return the appropriate SRV records, manually enter the account configuration information used to install the servers.
To manually enter the account configuration information to connect
- Open Group Chat. Click
Start, point to
All Programs, and then click
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat.
- In the
Group Chat Logindialog box, in the
Accountbox, click
Edit Accounts.
If the Edit Accountsdialog box is read-only, the system administrator has configured an account by using GPOs, setting the account so it is the only account available. - In the
Edit Accountsdialog box, click
- In
Display Name, type a name for the new account. This name is
used on the
Accountsmenu of the
Group Chat Logindialog box the next time that you sign in to
Group Chat.
- To use single sign on (SSO), select the
Use my Windows credentials to log in automaticallycheck box.
- Specify the Office Communications Server host name. If you are
installing Group Chat in a Group Chat Server environment that is
running Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Enterprise Edition,
specify the pool name. If you are installing Group Chat in a Group
Chat Server environment that is running Office Communications
Server 2007 R2 Standard Edition, enter the fully qualified domain
name (FQDN) of the Standard Edition server.
Portdefaults to the correct value.
- In
Chat Room Domain, specify the domain portion of the Lookup
Server's SIP URI.
- If using the default SIP URI (chat@domain.com), select the
Use Default Server Addresscheck box. Otherwise, enter the
SIP URI of the Lookup Server (specified during server
- When all the settings are as you want them, click
The name of the newly-created configuration is added to the Accountsbox.