Document the backup and restoration strategy for Office Communications Server 2007 R2 in your backup and restoration plan in a way that clearly conveys the priorities and requirements for backing up data and settings:
- If you are using this document as template starting point for
your backup and restoration plan, you can replace the information
in this section with your own backup and restoration strategy. You
can also use the worksheets in the
Backup and Restoration Worksheetsto facilitate documentation of
your strategy.
- Ensure that the backup and restoration procedures in your plan
support the backup and restoration strategy. If you are using this
document as a template, update the backup and restoration
procedures in this guide. Add and delete procedures as appropriate
to indicate the servers and components deployed in your
organization, and then ensure that the actual procedures reflect
the backup and restoration methods that you want to use for each.
You can also add appropriate details, such as the backup schedule,
to the appropriate procedures to ensure that the information is not
To ensure that your backup and restoration plan fully meets all established goals and priorities, ensure that it has the approval of the appropriate business and technical decision makers in your organization before you implement the plan.