Edge servers are configured as trusted extensions to the internal network of trusted servers. Edge servers have certificates and communicate with internal servers over MTLS. They are also included in the trusted edge service, trusted Web Conferencing Edge service, and trusted A/V Edge service lists in Active Directory Domain Services

Trusted Edge Service List

The trusted Edge service list in Active Directory Domain Services is configured when you run the Configure Pool or Server Wizard and configure external access. You can also configure it manually on the Edge Servertab in Global Properties. (For step-by-step instructions, see the Specifying Trusted Edge Servicesin the Administering Office Communications Server 2007 R2 documentation.) This list defines Edge Servers that internal servers allow to connect to them. The FQDN of each VIP on the internal load balancer of the edge servers must be added to this list. In this example, it is InternalAccessLB.corp.contoso.com.

Web Conferencing Edge Services Configured on the Pool or Server

The list of trusted Web Conferencing Edge Servers contains an entry for each Web Conferencing Edge Server with its internal and external FQDN and port number. These entries are configured when you run the Configure Pool or Server Wizard and configure external access. You can also configure these entries manually on the Web Conferencing Edge Servertab in the pool or server properties. Additionally, it is necessary to set Global Properties.

A/V Edge Services Configured on the Pool or Server

The list of trusted A/V Edge srvices are defined at the global level and the pool uses these settings when you configure your Standard Edition server or Enterprise pool. Additionally, you specify the internal FQDN of the A/V Edge service used by the server or pool. You can also update the A/V Edge service used by your server or pool manually on the A/V Edge Servertab in the pool or server properties. This must also be configured at the Mediation server.