 Change View 

You can add custom commands to various Communicator menus, and pass the SIP URI of the current user, and selected contacts, to the application launched by your custom command.

The custom commands that you define appear on the following menus:

See the "Accessing a Custom Command" section, later in this topic.

You can define custom commands for two types of applications:

When the application you want to integrate involves other users, the custom command can be invoked by:

For a detailed example, see Integrating a Third-Party Collaboration Program with Communicatorin the Client Technical Reference documentation.

Defining a Custom Command

Use the registry settings in the table below to add a command to the Office Communicator menus. These entries are placed in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Communicator\SessionManager\Apps\[ GUID of Application ].

Custom command registry entries

Name Type Data



Name of the application as it appears on the menu.



0 = Executable (default)

Requires ApplicationInstallPath.

1 = Protocol



Full path of the executable.

Must be specified if ApplicationType is 0 (Executable).



Full path to be launched along with any parameters, including the default parameter of %user-id% and %contact-id%.



0 = Local session. The application is launched on the local computer.

1 = Two-party session (default). Communicator 2007 R2 launches the application locally, and then sends a desktop alert to the other user. The other user clicks the alert and starts the specified application on their computer.

2 = Multi-party session. Communicator 2007 R2 launches the application locally, and then sends desktop alerts to the other users, prompting them to launch the specified application on their own computer.



A list of the menus where this command will appear, separated by semi-colons. Possible values are:

MainWindowActions MainWindowRightClick ConversationWindowActions ConversationWindowContextual ConversationWindowRightClick

If ExtensibleMenuis not defined, the default values of MainWindowRightClickand ConversationWindowContextualare used.

For example, executing the following Registry Editor (.REG) file results in the addition of the Contoso Sales Contact Managermenu item to the Actionsmenu.

Copy Code
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Name"="Contoso Sales Contact Manager"
"HelpMessage"="The Contoso Sales Contact Manager is not installed.
Contact the Help Desk for more information."
"Path"="C:\\cltest.exe %user-id% %contact-id%"

Accessing a Custom Command

To access a custom command after it is added
  • Do one of the following, depending on the ExtensibleMenuvalues you define:

    • MainWindowActions: On the Office CommunicatorTitle bar, click the down arrow, point to Tools, and then click your custom command.

    • MainWindowRightClick: Right-click a contact in the Contact Listor Search Resultspane, and then click your custom command.

    • ConversationWindowActions: In the Conversationwindow Title bar, click the Menubutton, point to Actions, and then click your custom command.

    • ConversationWindowContextual: In the Conversationwindow, click the contextual actions drop-down arrow in the top right corner, below the Title bar, and then click your custom command.

    • ConversationWindowRightClick: In the Conversationwindow Participant List, right-click a contact name, and then click your custom command.