Before using test clients to validate the newly configured load balancers, it is a good practice to use telnet to confirm that the load balancer is at least listening on the virtual IP (VIP) and directing connections to both Front End Servers. To do this, perform the following steps:
- On each Edge Server, run Netmon (or a similar protocol analysis
tool) and add a filter to only display traffic coming in on the
external Access Edge Server interface on Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) ports 5061 and 443.
- From a test client on the Internet, telnet to the Access Edge
Server VIP on port 5061 and then again on port 443.
- Close the telnet session and reestablish these telnet sessions
several times.
- On the Edge Server, the Netmon trace should show TCP
connections in an alternating fashion.
- Repeat the previous steps for the Web Conferencing Server
interface using TCP port 8057.
- Repeat the previous steps for the A/V Edge Server interface
using TCP port 443.
- Repeat the previous steps for the internal VIP of the Edge
To validate the load balancer configuration using test clients, we will employ similar hosts file configuration changes that were used to validate the Edge Server’s installation. The only difference is that the load balancer is now configured, so we can point the pool fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to the load balancer VIP. This simulates the behavior that occurs when the pool FQDN is updated in the production Domain Name System (DNS) server.
To perform this testing, first add a temporary host file entry on your Office Communications Server test pool, pointing the FQDN of the internal Office Communications Server Edge Server to the IP address of the particular Edge Server you want to test first. For example, in our sample topology:
- On, add a hosts file entry that resolves to
- On, configure
ocsedge.contoso.comas the Access Edge Server,
webconf.contoso.comas the Web Conferencing Edge Server, and
av.contoso.comas the A/V Edge Server.
- In a command window, run
ipconfig /flushdnsto clear the DNS cache.
- Restart all services on the Front End Server to ensure they use
the updated IP address.
Next, prepare three test workstations with the Office Communicator, Outlook, and Live Meeting clients, and then perform the following:
- Add hosts file entries on each client resolving
av.contoso.comto, and
- In a command window, run
ipconfig /flushdnsto clear the DNS cache.
- In Office Communicator, configure connection settings to
Manual, specifying
ocsstd.contoso.comas the internal server name and
sip.contoso.comas the external server name.
- In the Live Meeting Client, configure the Office Communications
Server to
Manual, specifying
ocsstd.contoso.comas the internal server name and
sip.contoso.comas the external server name.
- Using the test clients homed on a combination of the Internet
and the Corporate Network, login to Office Communicator using some
test accounts homed on the Standard Edition server and verify all
peer-to-peer (P2P) and conference modalities work. This includes
instant messaging (IM), voice, video, and desktop sharing.
- Using one of the test clients, use the same test clients to
schedule a Live Meeting conference using Outlook. Join the meeting
and verify that all Live Meeting conference modalities work.
At this stage, you have validated the functionality of the newly added Edge Server load balancers. This provides confidence for doing the actual cut over in the production DNS. Before proceeding, take some time to simulate failure of an Edge Server or reverse proxy server (for example, stop the Front End service or pull the network cable), identify the client behavior, and document the procedure for responding to such a situation. Typically clients use their inbuilt keep-alive mechanisms, client retry logic, and server reconnection randomizations to detect when their Front End Server goes down and then will connect seamlessly to another Front End Server that is available behind the load balancer.
The final step is to remove the test settings that you configured are as follows:
- On
ocsstd.contoso.comremove the hosts file entry that resolved
- In a command window, run
ipconfig /flushdnsto clear the DNS cache.
- Restart all services on the Front End server to ensure they use
the updated IP address.
- On the test clients, remove the hosts file entry that resolved,,, and
- In a command window, run
ipconfig /flushdnsto clear the DNS cache.
- Reset Office Communicator and Live Meeting clients to use
automatic server lookup.
- Restart the test clients to ensure they do not use any cached
DNS entries.