Planning phone usage records consists mainly of listing all the call permissions that are currently in force in your organization, from the CEO down to temporary workers, consultants, and contingent staff. This process also provides an opportunity to reexamine existing permissions and revise them if desired. You can create phone usage records only for those permissions that apply to your anticipated Enterprise Voice users, but a better long-range solution might be to simply create phone usage records for all permissions regardless of whether some may not currently apply to the group of users to be enabled for Enterprise Voice. If permissions change or new users with different permissions are added, you will have already created the required phone usage records.

The following table shows a typical phone usage table.

Table 1. Phone Usage Records

Phone attribute Description


Local calls


Long distance calls


International calls


Delhi full-time employees


Redmond full-time employees


Redmond temporary employees


Zurich full-time employees

By themselves, phone usage records do not do anything. For them to work, you must associate them with:

For details about voice policies and routes, see Voice Policiesand Call Routes. For details about how to create and configure them, see Step 7. Configure Outbound Call Routingin Deploying Enterprise Voice in the Deployment documentation.