The authentication protocol you specify for each pool determines which type of challenges the servers in the pool issue to clients. The available protocols are:
- Kerberos. This is the strongest password-based authentication
scheme available to clients, but it is normally available only to
enterprise clients because it requires client connection to a Key
Distribution Center (Kerberos domain controller). This setting is
appropriate if the server authenticates only enterprise clients.
- NTLM. This is the password-based authentication available to
clients that use a challenge-response hashing scheme on the
password. This is the only form of authentication available to
clients without connectivity to a Key Distribution Center (Kerberos
domain controller), such as outside users. If a server
authenticates only outside users, you should choose NTLM.
- Both NTLM and Kerberos. This is the best choice when a server
supports authentication for both outside and enterprise clients.
The Edge Server and internal servers communicate to ensure that
only NTLM authentication is offered to outside clients. If only
Kerberos is enabled on these servers, they cannot authenticate
outside users. If enterprise users also authenticate against the
server, Kerberos is used.
To specify the authentication protocol for Front End Servers
Open the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 snap-in.
In the console tree, expand the forest node, and then do one of the following:
- For an Enterprise pool, expand
Enterprise pools, right-click the pool, click
Properties, and then click
Front End Properties.
- For a Standard Edition server, expand
Standard Edition servers, right-click the pool, click
Properties, and then click
Front End Properties.
- For an Enterprise pool, expand
Enterprise pools, right-click the pool, click
Properties, and then click
Front End Properties.
Click the Authenticationtab.
On the Authenticationtab, in the Authentication protocollist, click the protocol you want to use:
Kerberosto have the servers in the pool issue challenges
using only Kerberos authentication.
NTLMto have the servers in the pool issue challenges using
only NTLM.
Both NTLM and Kerberosto have the servers in the pool issue
challenges using either NTLM or Kerberos authentication, depending
on the capabilities of the client.
Kerberosto have the servers in the pool issue challenges
using only Kerberos authentication.