Now that the server roles and applications are installed, they need to be activated. To activate the servers installed in the previous steps, run the following commands.

An additional parameter, the /Userparameter, is optional in each of these commands. If /Useris not specified, the default, RtcService, is used.

To activate the servers

  1. Activate Office Communications Server.

    LCSCmd /Server /Role:EE /Action:Activate /PoolName:<pool name> /Password:<password>

    Here is the same command with sample data inserted.

    LCSCmd /Server /Role:EE /Action:Activate /PoolName:Pool01 /Password:p@ssw0rd

  2. Activate the Application Host.

    LCSCmd /AppServer /Action:Activate /PoolName:<pool name> /Password:<password>

    Here is the same command with sample data.

    LCSCmd /AppServer /Action:Activate /PoolName:Pool01 /Password:p@ssw0rd

  3. Activate the Conferencing Attendant application (optional).

    LCSCmd /AppServer /Action:ActivateApp /ApplicationID:Microsoft.Rtc.Applications.Caa /Password:<password>

  4. Activate the Conference Announcement Service application (optional).

    LCSCmd /AppServer /Action:ActivateApp /ApplicationID:Microsoft.Rtc.Applications.Cas /Password:<password>

  5. Activate the Outside Voice Control application (optional).

    LCSCmd /AppServer /Action:ActivateApp /ApplicationID:Microsoft.Rtc.Applications.Ccs /Password:<password>

  6. Activate the Response Group Service application (optional).

    LCSCmd /AppServer /Action:ActivateApp /ApplicationID:Microsoft.Rtc.Applications.Acd /Password:<password>