This section lists all of the attributes and associated classes for Office Communications Server, including both new and obsolete attributes.
Active Directory Attributes for
Office Communications Server
In this list of attributes, the following conventions are used:
- Attributes that are new for Office Communications
Server 2007 R2 are indicated by
new. Attributes that are obsolete are indicated by
- Attributes that are reserved for emergency use, allowing for
new attributes to be added as name-value pairs in the extension
attribute without requiring another schema extension, are indicated
by an asterisk (*).
- Attributes that are linked pairs are specified as forward links
or back links. An attribute that refers to another object is a
forward link; the attribute of the target object that refers back
to the first object is a back link. Forward links are updatable,
while back links are read-only.
Some attributes have a bit-mask value. For these attributes, each setting is represented by a bit, and the displayed decimal value represents the bit position. Bit positions start with bit 0. For example, 1 (binary) is bit 0 set and 10000 (binary) is bit 4 set. Each bit represents a property. The following are some examples:
- 10000 (binary) has a decimal value of 16 (that is, bit 4 is
- 100000000 (binary) has a decimal value of 256 (that is, bit 8
is set).
- 1100 (binary) has a decimal value of 12 (that is, bits 2 and 3
are set; properties represented by both bits are enabled).
- 1111000001 (binary) has a decimal value of 961 (that is, bits
0, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are set; properties for each of these bits are
This attribute represents the schema version currently deployed in the organization.
User Objects
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-UserLocationProfile (new) |
This attribute contains the distinguished name (DN) that points to a location profile object. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress |
This attribute contains the SIP address of a given user. |
- |
msRTCSIP-HomeServer (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2003 (not used) Obsolete in Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-HomeServerString (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2003 Obsolete in Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-UserEnabled |
This attribute determines whether the user is currently enabled for Office Communications Server. |
- |
msRTCSIP-IsMaster (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2003 Obsolete in Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-TargetHomeServer |
This attribute enables you to move a user or contact from one Office Communications Server or pool to another. This attribute is added to the contact class, because in the central forest topology, contact objects, not user objects, are SIP enabled. The valid value is the DN of the target Standard Edition server or Enterprise Edition pool to which a user is to be moved. |
- |
msRTCSIP-OriginatorSID |
This attribute is used in resource and central forest topologies to enable single sign-on when a user’s ObjectSID from the Windows NT principal account is copied into this attribute of the corresponding user or contact object in the resource or central forest. Communicator Web Access searches for a user in Active Directory using this attribute or the user’s ObjectSID. This attribute is marked for global catalog replication. |
- |
msRTCSIP-PrimaryHomeServer |
This attribute enables a user or contact for SIP messaging. It is added to the contact class because in the central forest topology, contact objects, not user objects, are SIP enabled. The valid value is the DN of the home server or pool where a user is homed. |
- |
msRTCSIP-FederationEnabled |
This attribute controls whether a single user is enabled for Federation. It is enforced by the Enterprise Services layer. It is marked for global catalog replication. The valid values are TRUEor FALSE. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-InternetAccessEnabled |
This attribute controls whether a single user is enabled for outside user access. It is enforced by the Enterprise Services layer. It is marked for global catalog replication. The valid values are TRUEor FALSE. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-ArchivingEnabled |
This attribute is an integer used as a bit field to control whether a single user’s communications are to be archived. This control is enforced by the Archiving Agent layer. It is marked for global catalog replication. The scope of this attribute is specific to a single user or contact. The valid values (and associated bit positions) in Office Communications Server are as follows:
Previously valid values in Live Communications Server 2005 are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-OptionFlags |
This attribute specifies the options that are enabled for the user or contact object. This attribute is a bit-mask value of type integer. Each option is represented by a bit. This attribute is marked for Global Catalog replication. The valid values (and associated bit positions) are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
msRTCSIP-Line |
This single-valued attribute contains the device ID (either the SIP URI or the TEL URI of the phone the user controls) used by Microsoft Office Communicator for telephony. This attribute is marked for Global Catalog replication and is indexed. In Office Communications Server 2007, if a user is enabled for Enterprise voice, this attribute stores the E.164 normalized version of the user’s phone number. |
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
msRTCSIP-LineServer |
This single-valued attribute contains the SIP URI of the CSTA-SIP gateway server. This attribute is marked for Global Catalog replication but is not indexed. |
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
msRTCSIP-UserPolicy |
This is a multi-valued attribute containing a list of distinguished names with binary (DN_WITH_BINARY) pointing to global user policies of different types. The binary part indicates the type of policy to which the DN portion points. The valid binary values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-UserExtension * |
This multi-valued attribute contains a list of name-value pairs in the format of "name=value." This attribute is marked for Global Catalog replication. |
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
TelephoneNumber |
This attribute contains the telephone number for the user. |
Windows 2000 |
ProxyAddresses |
This existing multi-valued attribute is part of the base Active Directory schema introduced in Windows 2000. This attribute contains the various X400, X500, and SMTP addresses of the user’s e-mail. In Live Communications Server 2003 and later, the user’s SIP URI is added to this list, using the "sip:" tag. The following applications search the user’s SIP URI from this attribute:
Windows 2000 |
Contact Objects
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationDestination (new) |
This attribute points to the trusted service entry for the application contact. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationOptions (new) |
This attribute specifies the options for the application contact. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationPrimaryLanguage (new) |
This attribute contains the primary language for the application contact. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationSecondaryLanguages (new) |
This multiple value attribute contains the secondary languages for the application contact. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-UserLocationProfile (new) |
This attribute contains the DN that points to a location profile object. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress |
This attribute contains the SIP address of a given user. |
- |
msRTCSIP-HomeServerString (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2003 Obsolete in Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-UserEnabled |
This attribute determines whether the user is currently enabled for Office Communications Server. |
- |
msRTCSIP-OriginatorSID |
This attribute is used in resource and central forest topologies to enable single sign-on when a user’s ObjectSID from the Windows NT principal account is copied into this attribute of the corresponding user or contact object in the resource or central forest. Communicator Web Access searches for a user in Active Directory using this attribute or the user’s ObjectSID. This attribute is marked for global catalog replication. |
- |
msRTCSIP-PrimaryHomeServer |
This attribute enables a user or contact for SIP messaging. It is added to the contact class because in the central forest topology, contact objects, not user objects, are SIP enabled. The valid value is the domain name of the home server or pool where a user is homed. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-TargetHomeServer |
This attribute enables moving a user or contact from one Office Communications Server or pool to another. This attribute is added to the contact class, because in the central forest topology, contact objects, not user objects, are SIP enabled. The valid value is the distinguished name of the target Standard Edition server or Enterprise Edition pool to which a user is to be moved. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-FederationEnabled |
This attribute controls whether a single user is enabled for Federation. It is enforced by the Enterprise Services layer. It is marked for global catalog replication. The valid values are TRUEor FALSE. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-InternetAccessEnabled |
This attribute controls whether a single user is enabled for outside user access. It is enforced by the Enterprise Services layer. It is marked for global catalog replication. The valid values are TRUEor FALSE. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-ArchivingEnabled |
This attribute is an integer used as a bit field to control whether a single user’s communications are to be archived. This control is enforced by the Archiving Agent layer. It is marked for global catalog replication. The scope of this attribute is specific to a single user or contact. The valid values (and associated bit positions) in Office Communications Server are as follows:
Previously valid values in Live Communications Server 2005 are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-OptionFlags |
This attribute specifies the different options that are enabled for the user or contact object. This attribute is a bit-mask value of type integer. Each option is represented by a bit. This attribute is marked for Global Catalog replication. The valid values (and associated bit positions) are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
msRTCSIP-Line |
This single-valued attribute contains the device ID (either the SIP URI or the TEL URI of the phone the user controls) used by Microsoft Office Communicator for telephony. This attribute is marked for Global Catalog replication and is indexed. In Office Communications Server 2007, if a user is enabled for Enterprise voice, this attribute stores the E.164 normalized version of the user’s phone number. |
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
msRTCSIP-LineServer |
This single-valued attribute contains the SIP URI of the CSTA-SIP gateway server. This attribute is marked for Global Catalog replication but is not indexed. |
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
msRTCSIP-UserPolicy |
This is a multi-valued attribute containing a list of distinguished names with binary (DN_WITH_BINARY) pointing to global user policies of different types. The binary part indicates the type of policy to which the DN portion points. The valid binary values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-UserExtension * |
This multi-valued attribute contains a list of name-value pairs in the format of "name=value." This attribute is marked for Global Catalog replication. |
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
msRTCSIP-SourceObjectType |
This single-valued attribute of integer type specifies the type of object the msDS-SourceObjectDNpoints to, as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msDS-SourceObjectDN |
This attribute contains the string representation of the distinguished name of the object in another forest that corresponds to this object. This attribute is used for distribution group expansion and auto-attendance. This attribute is defined in the default Active Directory schema for Windows 2003 R2. To avoid requiring an upgrade of Active Directory to Windows 2003 R2, Office Communications Server schema preparation extends the Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 schema with this attribute definition. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
TelephoneNumber |
Windows 2000 |
PhoneOfficeOther |
This existing attribute is used by the voice components in Office Communications Server, for contact objects only, for the purpose of routing calls to the unified messaging auto-attendant and subscriber access numbers. The unconditional call forwarding address is stored in this multi-valued attribute. This account is created for the specific purpose of auto-attendant and subscriber access. This account’s attributes should not be modified by administrators. |
Windows 2000 |
ProxyAddresses |
This existing multi-valued attribute is part of the base Active Directory schema introduced in Windows 2000. This attribute contains the various X400, X500, and SMTP addresses of the user’s e-mail. In Live Communications Server 2003 and later, the user’s SIP URI is added to this list, using the "sip:" tag. The following applications search the user’s SIP URI from this attribute:
Windows 2000 |
Computer Objects
msRTCSIP-ApplicationServer (new)
msRTCSIP-ApplicationServerSettings (new)
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationServerPoolLink (new) |
This attribute points to the pool to which this Application Server belongs. This is the forward link. The corresponding backward link is msRTCSIP-ApplicationServerBL. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationList (new) |
This attribute contains types of hosted applications on the application server. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ServerVersion |
This attribute defines the version information of the server. This version number applies to all server roles. It is a monotonously increasing integer that increments with each official product release. The possible valid values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ExtensionData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Unified Communications (UC) |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-EnterpriseServices |
This attribute indicates whether the Enterprise Services are loaded on the given server. |
- |
msRTCSIP-HomeUsers (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2003 (not used) Obsolete in Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-PoolAddress |
This attribute specifies a link back to the pool to which a computer belongs. This attribute is set regardless of whether the computer is running the Standard Edition or the Enterprise Edition of Office Communications Server. This attribute is marked for global catalog replication. The valid value is the domain name of the pool. Forward link: Link ID 11022 The corresponding back link to this forward link attribute is msRTCSIP-FrontEndServers. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-ServerVersion |
This attribute defines the version information of the server. This version number applies to all server roles. It is a monotonously increasing integer that increments with each official product release. The possible valid values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ServerData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
- |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-MCUFactoryAddress |
This attribute is a service connection point attribute under the computer class that specifies a link back to the MCU Factory to which it belongs. This service connection point and attribute is created for every Microsoft MCU. Each Microsoft MCU must find the back-end server of the pool to which it belongs, in order to retrieve pool-level settings from it. The value of this attribute is the distinguished name of the MCU Factory. This is a single-valued attribute and marked for global catalog replication. Forward link: Link ID 11026 The corresponding back link to this forward link attribute is msRTCSIP-MCUServers. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ServerVersion |
This attribute defines the version information of the server. This version number applies to all server roles. It is a monotonously increasing integer that increments with each official product release. The possible valid values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-MCUData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-WebComponentsPoolAddress |
This single-valued attribute points to the pool or Standard Edition server to which the Web components belong. Forward link: Link ID 11028 The corresponding back link to this forward link attribute is msRTCSIP-WebComponentsServers. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ServerVersion |
This attribute defines the version information of the server. This version number applies to all server roles. It is a monotonously increasing integer that increments with each official product release. The possible valid values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-WebComponentsData * |
This is a multi-valued attribute. This attribute is reserved. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServiceLinks |
This multi-valued attribute contains a list of distinguished names that reference a trusted service object, such as a Media Relay Authentication Service. A Media Relay Authentication Service (physically collocated on the A/V Conferencing Edge Server) must be associated with a pool to support audio scenarios for remote users. The corresponding back link to this forward link attribute is msRTCSIP-ServerBL. |
UC |
msRTCSIP-DefaultLocationProfileLink |
This single-valued attribute contains the distinguished name of a location profile class object assigned to it. Forward link: Link ID 11036 The corresponding backward link is msRTCSIP-ServerReferenceBL. |
UC |
msRTCSIP-ServerVersion |
This attribute defines the version information of the server. This version number applies to all server roles. It is a monotonously increasing integer that increments with each official product release. The possible valid values are as follows:
UC |
msRTCSIP-ExtensionData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
UC |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced | ||
msRTCSIP-MinRegistrationTimeout |
This attribute represents the minimum registration time-out window. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-DefRegistrationTimeout |
This attribute represents the default registration time-out window. |
- |
msRTCSIP-MaxRegistrationsTimeout |
This attribute represents the maximum registrations time-out window. |
- |
msRTCSIP-MinPresenceSubscriptionTimeout |
This attribute represents the minimum presence subscription time-out window. |
- |
msRTCSIP-DefPresenceSubscriptionTimeout |
This attribute represents the default presence subscription time-out period. |
- |
msRTCSIP-MaxPresenceSubscriptionTimeout |
This attribute represents the maximum subscription time-out window. |
- |
msRTCSIP-MinRoamingDataSubscriptionTimeout |
This attribute represents the minimum roaming data subscription time-out window. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-DefRoamingDataSubscriptionTimeout |
This attribute represents the default roaming data subscription time-out window. |
- |
msRTCSIP-MaxRoamingDataSubscriptionTimeout |
This attribute represents the maximum roaming data subscriptions time-out window. |
- |
msRTCSIP-SubscriptionAuthRequired (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2003 Obsolete in Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-NumDevicesPerUser |
This attribute represents the allowed number of devices on which a user can register for SIP communications and subscribe to presence. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-MaxNumSubscriptionsPerUser |
The attribute represents the maximum number of subscriptions per user. |
- |
msRTCSIP-EnableBestEffortNotify |
This attribute controls whether a server generates a Best Effort NOTIFY (BENOTIFY) request, instead of a NOTIFY request, in response to a SUBSCRIBE request from a client. BENOTIFY is a performance-enhancing extension to the subscribe notification handshake where the server generates BENOTIFY requests, instead of regular NOTIFY requests. The performance benefit is that a BENOTIFY request does not require a 200 OK response from the client as the NOTIFY request does. The valid values are TRUEor FALSE.
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-UserDomainList |
This attribute provides a list of all the domains in a forest that host SIP-enabled users. The default is an empty list, indicating that all domains in the forest are SIP-enabled. Valid values are multiple strings representing the domain names of individual domains. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-GlobalSettingsData * |
This attribute stores name:value pairs. The already-defined name:value pair is for the allow polling for presencesetting. |
- |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-SearchMaxResults |
This attribute limits the number of search requests returned. |
msRTCSIP-SearchMaxRequests |
This attribute limits the number of search results to be returned from a directory search when a user searches for a contact using Office Communicator. This attribute will override the value provided by the client. |
- |
msRTCSIP-MaxNumOutstandingSearchPerServer |
This attribute represents the maximum number of outstanding search requests per server. |
- |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-DefaultRouteToEdgeProxy |
This attribute specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of either the server running Office Communications Server, Access Edge Server, if directly accessible, or of the hardware load balancer for an array of servers running Access Edge Server. If the servers running Access Edge Server are accessible only through one or more Directors, this attribute specifies the FQDN and, optionally, the port number of the Director or of the hardware load balancer serving an array of Directors. The valid value for each segment is 63 characters; the valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-DefaultRouteToEdgeProxyPort |
This attribute represents the port number that should be used to connect to the server running Office Communications Server Access Edge Server. The valid value is an integer value specifying the port to be used. The default value is 5061. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-EnableFederation |
This attribute is a global switch that IT administrators use to configure whether users are allowed to communicate with users from other organizations. It enables an administrator to overwrite an individual user’s FederationEnabledattribute. This attribute can be useful to help protect the internal network from Internet attacks that may be caused by worms, viruses, or targeted attacks on the company. The valid values (and associated bit positions) are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-ArchiveDefault (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2005 Obsolete in Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ArchiveDefaultFlags |
This attribute specifies the global default within the forest boundary for archiving all user communications. This is enforced by the Archiving Agent layer. The range of values for this attribute is as follows:
This attribute globally controls, within the forest boundary, how user communications within an internal network are archived. Live Communications Server 2005 behavior (now retired) The range of values for this attribute is as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 behavior The range of values for this attribute is as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-ArchiveFederationDefault (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2005 Obsolete in Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ArchiveFederationDefaultFlags (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2005 Obsolete in Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-MeetingFlags |
This attribute defines different meeting options that are enabled globally for all users or contact objects. This attribute is a bit-mask value of integer type. The valid values (and associated bit positions) are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-MeetingPolicy |
This attribute specifies the distinguished name of the policy the administrator has assigned for this user as a single-valued attribute. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-UCFlags |
This attribute defines different Unified Communications options that are enabled globally to all user or contact objects. This attribute is a bit-mask value of integer type. Each option is represented by the presence of a bit. The possible valid value (and associated bit position) are as follows:
When this bit is set, the Unified Communications policy is defined per user. |
UC |
msRTCSIP-UCPolicy |
This single-valued attribute contains the distinguished name of the Unified Communications policy that the administrator has assigned for this user. |
UC |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-MobilityFlags (new |
This attribute contains options and flags that define mobility settings. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-MobilityPolicy (new |
This attribute contains the DN for a mobility policy object. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-PresenceFlags (new |
This attribute contains options and flags that define presence settings. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-PresencePolicy (new |
This attribute contains the DN for a presence policy object. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-LocationContactMappings (new)
msRTCSIP-LocationContactMapping (new)
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-MappingLocation (new) |
This multiple-value attribute holds a list of location profiles. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-MappingContact (new) |
This multiple-value attribute holds a list of application contacts. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ExtensionData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ConferenceDirectories (new)
msRTCSIP-ConferenceDirectory (new)
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-ConferenceDirectoryId (new) |
This attribute contains the identifier of a conference directory. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ConferenceDirectoryHomePool (new) |
This attribute contains the identifier of the pool that hosts the conference directory. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ConferenceDirectoryTargetPool (new) |
This attribute contains the identifier of the pool to which the conference directory is being moved. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ExtensionData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationServerService (new)
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationServerBL (new) |
This attribute contains a list of Application Servers that belong to this pool. The corresponding forward link to this back link attribute is msRTCSIP-ApplicationServerPoolLink. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-MonitoringServer (new)
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
dnsHostName |
This attribute specifies the FQDN of the Monitoring Server. A valid value for each segment is 63 characters; a valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-ServerVersion |
This attribute defines the version information of the server. This version number applies to all server roles. It is a monotonously increasing integer that increments with each official product release. The possible valid values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ExtensionData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-DefaultCWABank (new)
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-DefaultCWAInternalURL (new) |
This attribute identifies the Communicator Web Access URL for users who are inside the organization. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-DefaultCWAExternalURL (new) |
This attribute identifies the Communicator Web Access URL for users who are outside the organization. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-DomainName |
This attribute represents a domain configured for the Registrar. |
- |
msRTCSIP-WMIInstanceId (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2003 Obsolete in Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-Default |
This Boolean attribute defines whether the phone usage is a default usage. If this attribute is set to TRUE, the phone usage is a default usage and cannot be deleted by the administrator. If this attribute is set to FALSE, the usage can be deleted. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-DomainData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
- |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServerFQDN |
This attribute is a single-valued attribute that represents the FQDN of a trusted server. |
- |
msRTCSIP-IsMaster (obsolete) |
- |
Introduced in Live Communications Server 2003 Obsolete in Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServerVersion |
This attribute specifies the version number of a server in the trusted server list. The possible valid values are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServerData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
- |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-EdgeProxyFQDN |
This attribute specifies the FQDN of the server running Access Edge Server. The valid value for each segment is 63 characters; the valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-EdgeProxyData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
dnsHostName |
This attribute specifies the FQDN of the Archiving Server. A valid value for each segment is 63 characters; a valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-ArchivingServerVersion |
This attribute defines the version of the Archiving Service. This attribute is a monotonously increasing integer type that increments with each official product release. The possible valid values are:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ArchivingServerData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
- |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-PoolAddresses |
This is a multi-valued attribute that contains a list of the distinguished names of pools with which the MCU factory is associated. Back link: Link ID 11025 The corresponding forward link to this back link is msRTCSIP-MCUFactoryPath. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
This attribute is a single-valued string that specifies the medium the MCU can handle. Supported valid types are:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-MCUServers |
This attribute is a multi-valued list of distinguished names. This attribute contains a list of all MCU servers of the same type and vendor associated with this MCU factory. The valid value for each segment is 63 characters; the valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. Back link: Link ID 11027 The corresponding forward link to this back link is msRTCSIP-MCUFactoryAddress. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-MCUVendor |
This attribute is a single-valued string that specifies an MCU vendor’s name. All Microsoft MCUs will specify this attribute to be Microsoft Corporation. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ServerVersion |
This attribute defines the version information of the server. This version number applies to all server roles. It is a monotonously increasing integer that increments with each official product release. The possible valid values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-MCUFactoryProviderID |
This attribute is a single-valued string that specifies the GUID of the MCU factory provider. Based on the GUID value, the MCU factory process determines whether to service this MCU type. If the GUID value is {F0810510-424F-46ef-84FE-6CC720DF1791}, then the MCU factory process (available by default in Office Communications Server) will process it. For any other GUID value, the MCU factory process will not service the MCU type. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-MCUFactoryData * |
This is a multi-string reserved attribute. Settings stored in this attribute are represented as name=value pairs. Currently defined name=value pairs are:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-RoutingPoolDN (new) |
This attribute contains the DN that points to the pool that all SIP traffic addressed to this MCU must go through. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
This attribute is a string value that contains the FQDN of the MCU. This is a single-valued attribute. The valid value for each segment is 63 characters; the valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
This attribute is a single-valued string that specifies the medium the MCU can handle. Supported valid types are:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-MCUVendor |
This attribute is a single-valued string that specifies an MCU vendor’s name. All Microsoft MCUs will specify this attribute to be Microsoft Corporation. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedMCUData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-TrustedWebComponentsServerFQDN |
This attribute is a string value that contains the FQDN of the IIS running Office Communications Server Web Components. This is a single-valued attribute. The valid value for each segment is 63 characters; the valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServerVersion |
This attribute specifies the version number of a server in the trusted server list. The possible valid values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedWebComponentsServerData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-TrustedProxyFQDN |
This attribute is a string value that contains the FQDN of the server running Proxy Server. This attribute is single-valued. The valid value for each segment is 63 characters; the valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServerVersion |
This attribute specifies the version number of a server in the trusted server list. The possible valid values are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedProxyData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServiceFlags (new) |
This attribute defines the options that are enabled for the trusted service. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-RoutingPoolDN (new) |
This attribute contains the DN that points to the pool that all SIP traffic addressed to this Trusted Service must go through. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServiceType |
This attribute is a string value that defines the type of GRUU service it represents. The valid GRUU service types are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServicePort |
This attribute is an integer that defines the port number used to connect to this GRUU service. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-Routable |
This attribute is a Boolean attribute used to determine whether Office Communications Server is authorized to route to this service using its GRUU address. If this value is set to TRUE, Office Communications Server is authorized to route to this service. If this value is set to FALSE, Office Communications Server is not authorized to route to this service. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServerFQDN |
This attribute is a single-valued attribute that represents the FQDN of a trusted server. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-TrustedServerVersion |
This attribute specifies the version number of a server in the trusted server list. The possible valid values are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-ServerBL |
This multi-valued attribute is a back link that contains a list of distinguished names. These distinguished names point to a pool or TrustedServiceobject. This attribute corresponds to the forward link msRTCSIP-TrustedServiceLinks. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ExtensionData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced | ||||
msRTCSIP-PolicyType |
This single-valued Unicode string attribute contains the policy type. Valid policy types are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-DefaultPolicy |
This Boolean attribute specifies whether the policy is a default policy. The policy is a default policy when set to TRUE. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-PolicyContent |
This attribute is a single-valued Unicode string. This string attribute contains the policy definition in XML format. The XML schema definition is common across different policy types, only the settings are different for each policy type. The XML schema definition (XSD) is defined below:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-PolicyData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationList (new) |
This attribute contains a list of hosted applications. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-PoolDisplayName |
This attribute specifies an arbitrary name for a pool that is displayed by the management console. This name can be changed by the administrator. The valid value is a string representing the name of a pool. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-BackEndServer |
This attribute specifies the FQDN of the back-end server of the pool. Because there can only be a single back-end server per pool, this is a single-valued attribute. The valid value for each segment is 63 characters; the valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-PoolType |
This attribute specifies whether a server pool is running Office Communications Server, Standard Edition, or Office Communications Server, Enterprise Edition. This attribute is a bit-mask value of type integer. Each option is represented by a bit. The valid values (and associated bit positions) are as follows:
Because Office Communications Server 2007 R2 does not support pools that host only applications, the only valid values are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-PoolVersion |
This attribute defines the pool version. It is an integer type that is incremented with each major product release. The possible valid value types are as follows:
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
msRTCSIP-PoolFunctionality |
A multi-valued list of the domain names of all Office Communications Server, Enterprise Edition servers associated with a pool. This attribute of type integer defines whether the pool is capable of IM and presence, and meetings. The possible valid value types are as follows:
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-PoolDomainFQDN |
This attribute is a single-valued string value. The value of this attribute, when present, represents the pool’s domain FQDN if the administrator wants to create an Enterprise pool with an FQDN that does not conform to the Active Directory domain structure in which the Enterprise pool is created (for example, a SIP namespace disjoined from DNS namespace). We recommend that you map the Enterprise pool domain FQDN to the domain name portion as the Active Directory domain in which the pool resides. Therefore, when no value is present in this attribute, the Enterprise pool FQDN will default to the Active Directory domain name structure, as denoted by the dnsHostNameattribute. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-DefaultLocationProfileLink |
This single-valued attribute contains the distinguished name of a location profile class object assigned to it. Forward link: Link ID 11036 The corresponding backward link is msRTCSIP-ServerReferenceBL. |
UC |
dnsHostName |
An existing attribute in Active Directory that is now associated with this and the msRTCSIP-Archiveclasses. This attribute specifies the FQDN of a pool as registered in DNS. A valid value for each segment is 63 characters; a valid value for the entire FQDN is 255 characters. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
msRTCSIP-PoolData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-FrontEndServers |
This attribute is a multi-valued list of the domain names of all Enterprise Edition servers associated with a pool. Back link: Link ID 11023 The corresponding forward link to this back link is msRTCSIP-PoolAddress. |
Live Communications Server 2005 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-MCUFactoryPath |
This is a single-valued attribute that contains the distinguished name of a single MCU factory associated with a pool. Forward link: Link ID 11024 The corresponding back link to this forward link attribute is msRTCSIP-PoolAddresses. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-WebComponentsServers |
This attribute is a multi-valued list of distinguished names. This attribute contains a list of all Web servers associated with this pool. Back link: Link ID 11029 The corresponding forward link to this back link is msRTCSIP-WebComponentsPoolAddress. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-LocationProfileOptions (new) |
This attribute contains the options for the location profile. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-ExternalAccessCode (new) |
This attribute contains the dial code for external access. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-LocationName |
This single-valued attribute contains a friendly name for the location profile that indicates which location this profile represents. Because there can be multiple location profiles, the administrator needs a way to distinguish between different profiles. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-LocalNormalizationLinks |
This multi-valued attribute contains a list of local normalization distinguished names associated with this location profile. The type of this attribute is a distinguished name binary. There is a one-to-many relationship between location profile and local normalization rules. The ordering of the list of local normalization distinguished names must be maintained in the order specified by the administrator. The preservation of order is maintained by the binary portion of the distinguished name binary, which specifies the order index. Forward link: Link ID 11034 The corresponding back link to this forward link attribute is msRTCSIP-LocationProfileBL. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-Description |
This single-valued UNICODE string attribute contains a friendly description of this phone route or normalization rule. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-ServerReferenceBL |
This multi-valued attribute contains a list of distinguished names. These distinguished names are back links that reference other server objects that can be assigned a default location profile. Back link: Link ID 11037 The corresponding forward link to this back link is msRTCSIP-DefaultLocationProfileLink. This back link attribute references pools and Mediation Servers only. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-LocationProfileData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-LocalNormalizationOptions (new) |
This attribute contains a list of options for the normalization rule. |
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 |
msRTCSIP-RuleName |
This single-valued UNICODE string attribute specifies the friendly name of the normalization rule, so it can easily be referenced by an administrator. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-Pattern |
This single-valued string attribute contains a pattern used for matching dial numbers into E.164 format. If the dial number matches this pattern, the translation is applied to the dialed number. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-Translation |
This attribute is used by the voice feature of Office Communications Server and contains the translation string to apply on the dialed number, if a match is found. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-Description |
This single-valued UNICODE string attribute contains a friendly description of this phone route or normalization rule. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-locationProfileBL |
This multi-valued attribute contains a list of location profile distinguished names. This attribute specifies the back link to one or more location profiles. Back link: Link ID 11035 This attribute corresponds to the forward link msRTCSIP-LocalNormalizationLinks. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-LocalNormalizationData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-RouteUsageAttribute |
This single-valued UNICODE string attribute defines an attribute that qualifies the usage for a phone route. Selection of a phone route is determined based on two elements: the usage attribute assigned to the phone route and the caller’s allowed policy usage attributes. The first phone route with a usage attribute that matches the caller’s allowed usage is selected. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-Description |
This single-valued UNICODE string attribute contains a friendly description of this phone route or normalization rule. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-PhoneRouteBL |
This multi-valued attribute contains a list of phone route distinguished names. This attribute specifies the back link to one or more phone routes. Back link: Link ID 11033 This attribute corresponds to the forward link msRTCSIP-RouteUsageLinks. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-Default |
This Boolean attribute defines whether the phone usage is a default usage. If this attribute is set to TRUE, the phone usage is a default usage and cannot be deleted by the administrator. If this attribute is set to FALSE, the usage can be deleted. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
msRTCSIP-PhoneUsageData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
Office Communications Server 2007 |
Attribute | Description | When Introduced |
msRTCSIP-PhoneRouteName |
This single valued UNICODE string attribute specifies the friendly name of the phone route, so it can easily be referenced by the administrator. |
UC |
msRTCSIP-TargetPhoneNumber |
This single-valued string attribute contains a phone number pattern or range to route to the specified gateways defined in msRTCSIP-Gateways. |
UC |
msRTCSIP-Gateways |
This multi-valued string attribute contains a list of gateways and ports (per gateway). |
UC |
msRTCSIP-RouteUsageLinks |
This multi-valued distinguished name attribute contains a list of route usage distinguished names. Forward link: Link ID 11032 This attribute is a forward link to the corresponding back link msRTCSIP-PhoneRouteBL. |
UC |
msRTCSIP-Description |
This single-valued UNICODE string attribute contains a friendly description of this phone route or normalization rule. |
UC |
msRTCSIP-PhoneRouteData * |
This attribute is reserved for future use. |
UC |