On the Front End Scriptstab, you can see the current state of Front End scripts, which are Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL) applications that run in your Office Communications Server environment. You can also modify the list of scripts, including specific options of each script.

Available scriptslists the scripts that are available on this server, shows whether they are running, and displays the uniform resource identifier (URI) for each one. The scripts run in the order they are listed. These scripts include the following:

Detailsprovides information and options for a script when you click the script in the Available scriptslist. This information includes the name and URI of the script. The potential options for each script are the following:

Not all scripts support these options. For instance, the DefaultRouting script is enabled and marked as critical, and these two options cannot be changed for DefaultRouting.

You can add a Front End script. For details, see Adding a Front End Script.

You can edit or remove a Front End script. Generally, this is only possible for Front End scripts that you add, not for the ones that are provided by Office Communications Server.

You can move a script up or down in the list to control when it runs. The scripts run in order, starting at the top of the list. Only scripts that have the allowRegistrationBeforeUserServices element set to true can be moved ahead of UserServices scripts.

For details about MSPL applications, see the Microsoft SIP Processing Language topics in the SDK documentation for Office Communications Server 2007 R2 at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=126309 .