To prepare the forest
  1. From the Office Communications Server installation folder or CD, run SetupSE.exe (for Standard Edition server) to start the deployment tool.

  2. Click Prepare Environment.

  3. Click Prepare Active Directory.

  4. At Prep Forest, click Run.

  5. On the Welcome to the Forest Preparation Wizardpage, click Next.

  6. On the Select Location to Store Global Settingspage, click Configuration partition. This is the recommended location.

    If the forest or domain has ever had a previous version of Office Communications Server or Live Communications Server installed, it is possible that the system container will be in use for the global settings. To migrate the global settings, follow the procedure in Migrating Global Settings Containerin Preparing Active Directory Domain Services for Office Communications Server 2007 R2 in the Deployment documentation.
  7. On the Location of Universal Groupspage, under Domain, select the domain where you want to create the groups used by Office Communications Server, and then click Next.

  8. On the SIP domain used for default routingpage, select the SIP domain that you want to use for default routing.

  9. On the Ready to Prepare Forestpage, review your current settings before clicking Next.

  10. On the Forest Preparation Wizard has Completedpage, click View Log.

  11. Under the Actioncolumn, expand Forest Prep, look for <Success>Execution Result at the end of each task to verify that forest preparation completed successfully, close the log, and then click Finish.

  12. Wait for Active Directory replication to complete, or force replication to all domain controllers listed in the Active Directory Sites and Servicessnap-in for the forest root domain controller, before running domain preparation. Force replication between the domain controllers in all Active Directory sites to cause replication within the sites to occur within minutes.

After executing the schema preparation and the forest preparation steps, the domain must be prepared. Domain preparation is the final step in preparing Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) for Office Communications Server 2007 R2. You can perform domain preparation on any computer in the domain where you are deploying Office Communications Server. You must prepare every domain that will host Office Communications Servers or users.

See Also