At a minimum, the Web Conferencing Server is configured with two UNC paths that indicate where the server stores conference state (that is, metadata) and conference content. The first UNC path is where the server stores the conference metadata files. The second UNC path is where the server stores conference content. These folders are also referred to as the metadata folder and the content folder.
The following paths can be configured using either the MMC or the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) MSFT_SIPDataMCUCapabilitySettingsclass:
MeetingMetadataLocationproperty for metadata file location.
MeetingPresentationContentLocationproperty for content
In addition to these folders, the Web Conferencing Server can also be configured with a third UNC path for a compliance folder. Regulatory compliance is not enabled by default, but if your organization needs to retain data exchanged in Web conferences to satisfy regulatory compliance requirements, you can configure a UNC path to the compliance folder using either the MMC or the WMI MSFT_SIPDataComplianceSettingClassclass.
These UNC paths can point to a file system running on the same computer or, preferably, on a dedicated file server. The administrator manually creates these folders when deploying Office Communications Server.