[This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases. This topic's current status is: Milestone-Ready]

Topic Last Modified: 2010-07-18

When you use Topology Builder to deploy conferencing, you are asked whether to deploy the A/V Conferencing Servers as a separate pool or to collocate this functionality on the Front End Server pool. Deploying A/V Conferencing in a separate pool requires more physical servers, but improves A/V performance and quality.

We recommend the following:

Even if the site has multiple Front End Pools, you need only one A/V Conferencing Pool. There is no limit on the number of servers in an A/V Conferencing Pool.

If you are planning not to enable your users to use A/V Conferencing, then choose to collocate the server functionality. Because there will be no such conferences, there will be no extra load on the Front End Servers.

The server functionality for Data Conferencing is always located on the Front End Servers. The load of data conferencing is included in the Front End Server guidelines. You can home up to 100,000 users per pool, and need to deploy one Front End Server for each 12,500 users homed in the pool. A Front End pool can include up to 10 servers.

    Recommended topologies for A/V conferencing