[This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases. This topic's current status is: Milestone-Ready]

Topic Last Modified: 2010-07-13

Dial-in conferencing is a feature that comprises a variety of components. Some of the components are specific to dial-in conferencing and some are Enterprise Voice components. This section describes the requirements for the components that are specific to dial-in conferencing. For details about Mediation Server and media gateway requirements, see Mediation Server Component and Components and Topologies for Mediation Server.

Hardware Requirements

Application service, Conferencing Attendant, and Conferencing Announcement have the same server hardware requirements as Front End Servers. For details about Front End Server hardware requirements, see Requirements for Conferencing.

Software Requirements

Application service, Conferencing Attendant, and Conferencing Announcement have the same operating system requirements as Front End Servers. For details about Front End Server operating system requirements, see Preparing Your Environment.

Conferencing Attendant and Conferencing Announcement require that Windows Media Format Runtime is installed on Front End Servers running Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. The Windows Media Format Runtime is required to play Windows Media audio (WMA) files that are used for music on hold, recorded names, and prompts. The Windows Media Format Runtime is installed automatically when you run Setup, but it might require you to restart the computer. Therefore, it is recommended that you install Windows Media Format Runtime before you run Setup.

Port Requirements

The following table describes the ports that are used by dial-in conferencing. If you use a load balancer, ensure that the load balancer is configured for the ports used by any applications that will run in the pool.

All instances of the same application in a pool use the same SIP listening port.

Ports used by dial-in conferencing

Port number Description


Used by Conferencing Attendant for SIP listening requests


Used by Conferencing Announcement for SIP listening requests

Supported Clients for Dial-In Conferencing

The following client can be used to schedule on-premise conferences that support dial-in access:

  • Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (This add-in is installed automatically when you install Microsoft Communicator "14" or Communications Server 2010 Attendant.)

Dial-in Conferencing Settings Web Page Requirements

The Dial-in Conferencing Settings Web page supports the combinations of operating systems and Web browsers described in the following table.

32-bit and 64-bit versions of the operating systems are supported.

Supported Operating Systems and Web Browsers

Operating system Web browser

Windows XP with Service Pack (SP) 3

Internet Explorer 6

Internet Explorer 7

Internet Explorer 8

Firefox 3.x

Windows Vista with SP 2

Internet Explorer 7

Internet Explorer 8

Firefox 3.x

Windows 7

Internet Explorer 8

Firefox 3.x

Windows Server 2008

Internet Explorer 8

Firefox 3.x

Audio File Requirements

Communications Server 2010 does not support customization of voice prompts and music for dial-in conferencing. However, if you have a strong business need that requires you to change the default audio files, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 961177, "How to customize voice prompts or music files for dial-in audio conferencing in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2," available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=179684.

Conferencing Attendant and Conferencing Announcement have the following requirements for music on hold, recorded name, and audio prompt files:

  • Windows Media Audio (WMA) file format

  • 16-bit mono

  • 48 kbps 2-pass CBR (constant bit rate)

  • Speech level at -24DB

User Requirements

Dial-in conferencing users must have a unique phone number or extension assigned to their account. This requirement supports authentication during dial-in. Enterprise users enter their phone number (or extension) and a PIN to dial in to conferences as an authenticated user,