The example contact list allows you to manage your contact groups as well as contacts themselves. In addition to the default "All Contacts" group that is always a part of a contact list, the local user has the ability to define his own groups. These user-defined groups can be removed from the list as well. Removing a user-defined contact group from the contact list does not remove the contacts themselves. The individual contacts are placed in the "Other Contacts" group when their parent user-defined group is removed.

Adding a Contact Group

The following example method demonstrates the adding of a contact group to the example contact list. The sample application contains a Windows form class called stringInputForm. This form is used to collect the user-supplied name of the new group. Notice that the code does not attempt to rebuild the contact list after calling the IMessenger2::CreateGroup method. This is because the custom application has registered an event handler for the DMessengerEvents::OnGroupAdded event. When the Office Communicator server has notified the local client that the group has been successfully created, this event handler calls a method on the contactList class that rebuilds the contact list.

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private void addGroupToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	stringForm = new stringInputForm();
	stringForm.PromptString = "Group Name";
	stringForm.TitleText = "Input Group Name";
	if (stringForm.StringBoxText.Length > 0)
	 communicator.CreateGroup(stringForm.StringBoxText, "serviceID");
  catch (COMException CGCE)
  catch (Exception CGE)

Removing a Contact Group

The following code example demonstrates how to remove a user-defined contact group from the custom contact list by calling the IMessengerGroups::Remove method. The contact list is not rebuilt by this method. The sample application has registered an event handler for the DMessengerEvents::OnGroupRemoved event. This event handler is responsible for rebuilding the list after being notified by the Office Communicator server that the user-defined group has been successfully deleted.

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private void removeGroupToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
	ListViewItem selectedContactItem = contactListView.FocusedItem;
	if (selectedContactItem != null)
	IMessengerGroups theseGroups = (IMessengerGroups)communicator.MyGroups;
	foreach (IMessengerGroup thisGroup in theseGroups)
		if (thisGroup.Name == selectedContactItem.Group.Header)
  catch (COMException ICE)

See Also