Modifies an existing device in the collection of analog devices that can be managed using Microsoft Communications Server 2010. An analog device is a telephone (or fax machine) that is connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network.
Set-CsAnalogDevice [-Identity] <UserIdParameter> [-Gateway <Fqdn>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <String>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-OutVariable <String>] [-OutBuffer <Int32>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Identity |
Required |
User ID parameter |
Unique identifier for the analog device being modified. Analog devices are identified using the Active Directory distinguished name of the associated contact object. Analog devices, by default, use a GUID (globally unique identifier) as their common name; that means devices will typically have an Identity similar to this: CN={ce84964a-c4da-4622-ad34-c54ff3ed361f},OU=Redmond,DC=Litwareinc,DC=com. Because of that you might find it easier to retrieve devices by using the Get-CsAnalogDevice cmdlet, then piping the returned objects to Set-CsAnalogDevice. Note. By using the –DN parameter when calling New-CsAnalogDevice, administrators can give analog devices a more user-friendly common name (e.g., Building 14 Lobby as opposed to {ce84964a-c4da-4622-ad34-c54ff3ed361f}). |
Gateway |
Optional |
String |
IP address of the PSTN gateway to be used by the analog device. |
AnalogFax |
Optional |
Boolean |
Set to True ($True) if the analog device is a fax machine. Set to False ($False) or leave this parameter off altogether if the device is not a fax machine. |
EnterpriseVoiceEnabled |
Optional |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the contact object for the analog device has been enabled for Enterprise Voice, Microsoft’s implementation of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). With Enterprise Voice, telephone calls can be made using the Internet rather than using the standard telephone network. |
LineURI |
Optional |
String |
Phone number for the analog device. The line URI should be specified using the E.164 format, and be prefixed by the "TEL:" prefix. For example: TEL:+14255551297. Any extension number should be added to the end of the line URI; for example: TEL:+14255551297; ext=51297. |
SipAddress |
Optional |
SIP address |
Unique identifier that allows the analog device to communicate with SIP devices such as Microsoft Communicator. The SIP address must be prefaced by the prefix "sip:". For example: |
DisplayNumber |
Optional |
String |
Phone number as displayed in Microsoft Communicator. The DisplayNumber property can be formatted any way you prefer; for example 1-800-555-1234; 1-(800)-555-1234; 1.800.555.1234; etc. |
CsEnabled |
Optional |
Boolean |
Indicates whether or not the contact object for the analog device has been enabled for Microsoft Communications Server. If you disable a contact by using the -CsEnabled parameter, the information associated with that account (including assigned policies and whether or not the contact is enabled for Enterprise Voice, remote call control, and/or voice mail integration) is retained. If you later re-enable the account using the -CsEnabled parameter, the associated account information will be restored. |
DomainController |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Enables you to connect to the specified domain controller in order to modify contact information. To connect to a particular domain controller, include the DomainController parameter followed by the computer name (for example, atl-mcs-001) or its fully qualified domain name (for example, |
PassThru |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Returns an object representing the common area phone. |
WhatIf |
Switch Parameter |
Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command. |
Confirm |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command. |
Detailed Description
Analog devices include telephones, fax machines, modems, and TTY/TTD (Teletype/Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf) devices that are connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Unlike devices that take advantage of Enterprise Voice (Microsoft’s implementation of Voice over IP), analog devices do not transmit information using digital packets; instead, information is transmitted using a continuous signal. This signal is commonly referred to as an analog signal; hence the term "analog devices.")
Many organizations still are heavily invested in analog devices. In order to enable administrators to manage analog devices, Microsoft Communications Server lets you associate analog devices with Active Directory contact objects. After a device has been associated with a contact object you can then manage the analog device by assigning policies and dial plans to the contact.
The Set-CsAnalogDevice cmdlet provides a way for you to modify the properties of the contact objects associated with analog devices. Among other things, you can change the contact’s Active Directory display name and well as the line URI associated with the device.
Return Types
Set-CsAnalogDevice does not return any values or objects. Instead, the cmdlet modifies existing instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConnect.Schema.OCSADAnalogDeviceContact object.
-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------
![]() |
Get-CsAnalogDevice -Filter {DisplayName -eq "Building 14 Receptionist"} | Set-CsAnalogDevice -CsEnabled $False |
The command shown in Example 1 disables the analog device that has the Active Directory display name Building 14 Receptionist. To carry out this task, the command first uses Get-CsAnalogDevice and the –Filter parameter; the filter value {DisplayName -eq "Building 14 Receptionist"} limits the returned items to devices that have a DisplayName equal to (-eq) "Building 14 Receptionist". This filtered collection is then piped to the Set-CsAnalogDevice cmdlet, which sets the CsEnabled property of each item in the collection to False ($False).
-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------
![]() |
Get-CsAnalogDevice -Filter {Enabled -eq $False} | Set-CsAnalogDevice -CsEnabled $True |
In Example 2, the command enables all the analog devices that are currently disabled. To do this, Get-CsAnalogDevice is called along with the –Filter parameter and the filter value; this command returns a collection of all the analog devices where the CsEnabled property is currently equal to (-eq) False ($False). This collection is then piped to Set-CsAnalogDevice, which proceeds to take each device in the collection and set the CsEnabled property to True.
-------------------------- Example 3 ------------------------
![]() |
Get-CsAnalogDevice -Filter {Gateway -eq ""} | Set-CsAnalogDevice -Gateway "" |
The command shown in Example 3 changes the gateway for each analog device currently using the gateway To perform this task, Get-CsAnalogDevice is called along with the –Filter parameter; the filter value {Gateway -eq ""} ensures that only devices with a Gateway equal to (-eq) are returned. This filtered collection is then piped to Set-CsAnalogDevice, which takes each item in the collection and changes the value of the Gateway property to