Creates a new common area phone that can be managed using Microsoft Communications Server 2010. Common area phones are phones that are located in building lobbies, employee lounges, or other areas where they are likely to be used by a number of different people, and for a number of different users.
add-attachmentfilterentry -Name <String> -Type <ContentType | FileName> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
LineUri |
Required |
String |
Phone number for the common area phone. The line URI should be specified using the E.164 format, and be prefixed by the "TEL:" prefix. For example: TEL:+14255551297. Any extension number should be added to the end of the line URI, for example: TEL:+14255551297; ext=51297. |
SipAddress |
Optional |
SIP address |
Unique identifier that allows the common area phone to communicate with SIP devices such as Microsoft Communicator. The SIP address must be prefaced by the prefix "sip:". For example: |
RegistrarPool |
Required |
String |
Fully qualified domain name of the registrar pool where the contact object should be homed. For example: -RegistrarPool "". |
DisplayName |
Optional |
String |
Enables you to set the Active Directory display name of the common area phone. |
DisplayNumber |
Optional |
String |
Phone number as displayed in Microsoft Communicator. The DisplayNumber property can be formatted any way you prefer; for example 1-800-555-1234; 1-(800)-555-1234; 1.800.555.1234; etc. |
Description |
Optional |
String |
Enables you to set the Active Directory Description attribute for the common area phone. In turn, this provides a way for you to supply additional information about the phone; for example, you might want to provide details about who to contact in case of problems with the phone. |
OU |
Optional |
Active Directory distinguished name |
Distinguished name of the Active Directory organizational unit where the contact object should be located. For example: -OU "ou=Redmond,dc=litwareinc,dc=com”. If you include the –OU parameter, a new contact will be created in the specified OU, and the contact will automatically be assigned a GUID (globally unique identifier) as its common name. As a result, the contact object will have a name similar to this: {ce84964a-c4da-4622-ad34-c54ff3ed361f}. If you prefer that your common area phones have more user-friendly names, create a contact object in advance (giving that contact a friendly name) and then use the –DN parameter to create the common area phone. You cannot use the –OU and the-DN parameters in the same command. |
DN |
Optional |
Active Directory distinguished name |
Enables you to associate an existing Active Directory contact object with the new common area phone. If you have a contact object you want to associate with a common area phone, use the –DN parameter followed by the distinguished name of that contact. For example: -DN "cn=Building 14 Lobby,dc=litwareinc,dc=com". Note that your command will fail if the specified contact does not exist. You cannot use the –OU and the-DN parameters in the same command. |
PassThru |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Returns an object representing the common area phone. |
WhatIf |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command. |
Confirm |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command. |
Detailed Description
Common area phones are IP telephones that are not associated with an individual user; instead of being located in someone’s office, common area phones are typically located in building lobbies, cafeterias, employee lounges, meeting rooms and other locations where a large number of people are likely to congregate (and might need to use the phone). This presents administrators with a management challenge. After all, phone use in Microsoft Communications Server is typically maintained by using various voice policies and dial plans, policies and plans that are assigned to individual users. How can you manage a device that isn’t associated with an individual user?
One solution is to create Active Directory contact objects for all your common area phones. (These contact objects can be created using the New-CsCommonAreaPhone cmdlet.) Like user accounts, these contact objects can be assigned policies and voice plans. As a result, you will be able to maintain control over common area phones even though those phones are not associated with an individual user. For example, if you do not want people to have the ability to transfer or park calls from a common area phone, all you have to do is create a voice policy that prohibits call transfers and call parking, then assign that policy to the common area phone. (Or, more correctly, to the contact object that represents the common area phone.) For example, this command assigns the voice policy CommonAreaPhoneVoicePolicy to all your common area phones:
Get-CsCommonAreaPhone | Grant-CsVoicePolicy –PolicyName "CommonAreaPhoneVoicePolicy"
As noted, new common area phones can be created using the New-CsCommonAreaPhone cmdlet. New-CsCommonAreaPhone can either create new contact objects for use with common area phones or it can associate existing contact objects with a new common area phone. See the –OU and the –DN parameter descriptions for more information.
Return Types
New-CsCommonAreaPhone creates new instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConnect.Schema.OCSADCommonAreaPhoneContact object.
-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------
![]() |
New-CsCommonAreaPhone -LineUri tel:+14255556710 -RegistrarPool -DisplayName "Building 14 Lobby" -OU "ou=Telecommunications,dc=litwareinc,dc=com" |
The command shown in Example 1 creates a new common area phone for the phone number 1-425-555-6710. (Note that the LineUri must be specified using the E.164 format.) In addition to specifying the phone number, the command also specifies the registrar pool (-RegistrarPool); the Active Directory display name (-DisplayName); and the distinguished name of the OU where the corresponding contact object should be created (-OU).
-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------
![]() |
New-CsCommonAreaPhone -LineUri tel:+14255556710 -RegistrarPool -DN "cn=Building 14 Lobby,ou=Telecommunications,dc=litwareinc,dc=com" |
The command shown in Example 2 is a variation of the command shown in Example 1. In Example 2, however, the new common area phone is associated with an existing Active Directory contact object. To do this, the command employs the –DN parameter instead of the –OU parameter, using the distinguished name of the existing contact object (cn=Building 14 Lobby,ou=Telecommunications,dc=litwareinc,dc=com) as the parameter value. In this command the –DisplayName is also left out; that means the new common area phone will use the display name assigned to the existing contact object.