[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Modifies one or more client version policy rules currently configured for use in your organization.


Set-CsClientVersionPolicyRule [-Identity <XdsIdentity>] [-Action <Allow | AllowAndUpgrade | AllowWithUrl | Block | BlockAndUpgrade | BlockWithUrl>] [-ActionUrl <String>] [-BuildNumber <Nullable>] [-CompareOp <EQL | NEQ | GTR | GEQ | LSS | LEQ>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Description <String>] [-Enabled <$true | $false>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-MajorVersion <UInt16>] [-MinorVersion <Nullable>] [-Priority <Int32>] [-QfeNumber <Nullable>] [-UserAgent <String>] [-UserAgentFullName <String>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]
Set-CsClientVersionPolicyRule [-Action <Allow | AllowAndUpgrade | AllowWithUrl | Block | BlockAndUpgrade | BlockWithUrl>] [-ActionUrl <String>] [-BuildNumber <Nullable>] [-CompareOp <EQL | NEQ | GTR | GEQ | LSS | LEQ>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Description <String>] [-Enabled <$true | $false>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-Instance <PSObject>] [-MajorVersion <UInt16>] [-MinorVersion <Nullable>] [-Priority <Int32>] [-QfeNumber <Nullable>] [-UserAgent <String>] [-UserAgentFullName <String>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]


Parameter Required Type Description



Xds Identity

Unique identifier for the client version policy rule to be modified. The Identity of a client version rule consists of the scope where the rule has been configured plus a globally unique identifier (GUID). That means that a rule will have an Identity similar to this: site:Redmond/1987d3c2-4544-489d-bbe3-59f79f530a83. Because GUIDs are so difficult to remember, and to work with, the Examples section lists alternate ways that you can identify the rule or rules to be modified.



Rule object

Allows you to pass a reference to an object to the cmdlet rather than set individual parameter values.




Major version of the software. For example, if your copy of Office Communicator is version 2.0.6362.111 then the MajorVersion is 2. Major versions equate to primary releases of the software.




Minor version of the software. For example, if your copy of Office Communicator is version 2.0.6362.111 then the MinorVersion is 0. Minor versions equate to interim releases of the software.




Designator used to identify the software client. For example, OC is the user agent designation for Office Communicator. The Get-CsClientVersionConfiguration provides corresponding friendly names for each user agent designation.




Enables administrators to provide additional information about the client version rule. For example, the Description might include information about who to contact if you believe the rule should be changed.



PS List Modifier

Action to be taken any time the rule is triggered (that is, any time someone attempts to log on using the specified software). Valid values are:

Allow. The user will be allowed to log on.

AllowWithUrl. The user will be allowed to log on, and a message will be displayed pointing him or her to a URL where the latest version of Microsoft Communicator can be downloaded and installed.

AllowAndUpgrade. The user will be allowed to log on, and his or her copy of Office Communicator will automatically be upgraded to the latest version of Microsoft Communicator.

Block. The user will not be allowed to logon.

BlockWithUrl. The user will not be allowed to log on, but a message will be displayed pointing him or her to a URL where the latest version of Microsoft Communicator can be downloaded and installed.

BlockAndUpgrade. The user will not be allowed to logon, but his or her copy of Office Communicator will automatically be upgraded to the latest version of Microsoft Communicator. The user can then try to logon on using the new client application.




Path on the server pointing to the latest version of Microsoft Communicator (for example, D:\Donwloads\Client\Update32.exe). This property is required if the Action is set to BlockWithUpgrade or AllowWithUpgrade




URL where users can download the latest version of Microsoft Communicator. This property is required if the Action is set to BlockWithUrl or AllowWithUrl




Build number of the software. For example, if your copy of Office Communicator is version 2.0.6362.111 then the BuildNumber is 6362. Build numbers represent internal versions of the software during the development process, and help to ensure that you are using the final release version as opposed to a pre-release version.




Quick fix engineering number of the software. For example, if your copy of Office Communicator is version 2.0.6362.111 then the QfeNumber is 111. QFE numbers represent planned updates to an application that are made available after the software’s official release.




Friendly name corresponding to the UserAgent.




Indicates whether or not the client version rule is to be used. If the Enabled property is set to False ($False) then the rule will be ignored any time a user attempts to log with the specified software.



PS List Modifier

Comparison operator used to determine if the client software attempting to log on was released before, after, or at the same time as the version specified in the rule. Valid values are:

EQL (equal to)

NEQ (not equal to)

GTR (greater than)

GEQ (greater than or equal to)

LSS (less than)

LEQ (less than or equal to)




Relative priority of the rule. Rules are processed in priority order, with the rule with priority 0 being processed first, the rule with priority 0 being processed second, and so on. If you assign a priority already in use, the new rule will use that priority and other rules will be renumbered accordingly.



Switch Parameter



Switch Parameter

Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.



Switch Parameter

Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

Detailed Description

Client version rules are used to determine which client applications are allowed to log on to Microsoft Communications Server and which client applications are not allowed to log on. When a user attempts to log on to Communications Server, his or her client application sends a SIP header to the server; this header includes detailed information about the application itself, including the software’s major version, minor version, and build number. The version information included in the SIP header is then checked against a collection of client version rules to see if any rules apply to that particular application. For example, suppose a user attempts to log on using Office Communicator version 2.0. Before logon can take place, the system will check to see if there is a client version rule that applies to Office Communicator 2.0. If such a rule exists, Microsoft Communications Server will then take the action specified by the rule. That action must be one of the following:

Allow. The user will be allowed to log on.

AllowAndUpgrade. The user will be allowed to log on, and his or her copy of Office Communicator will automatically be upgraded to the latest version of Microsoft Communicator.

AllowWithUrl. The user will be allowed to log on, and a message will be displayed pointing him or her to a URL where the latest version of Microsoft Communicator can be downloaded and installed.

Block. The user will not be allowed to logon.

BlockAndUpgrade. The user will not be allowed to logon, but his or her copy of Office Communicator will automatically be upgraded to the latest version of Microsoft Communicator. The user can then try to logon on using the new client application.

BlockWithUrl. The user will not be allowed to log on, but a message will be displayed pointing him or her to a URL where the latest version of Microsoft Communicator can be downloaded and installed.

Client version rules are collected in client version policies, policies that can be configured at the global scope, the site scope, the service scope (Registrar service), or the per-user scope. This enables you to provide different users with different rules regarding the client applications they can or cannot use to log on to Microsoft Communications Server. For example, as a general rule you might want to prevent users from logging on using Office Communicator; after all, Office Communicator does not support the same features and capabilities as Microsoft Communicator. However, due to hardware or software conflicts you might also have a select group of users who cannot upgrade to Microsoft Communicator. In that case, you can create a separate rule – and a separate client version policy – that allows those users to log on from within Office Communicator.

The Set-CsClientVersionPolicyRule cmdlet provides a way for you to modify the properties of an existing client version rule.

Return Types

Get-CsClientVersionPolicyRule returns instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WriteableConfig.Policy.ClientVersion.Rule object.


-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------

Copy Code
Set-CsClientVersionPolicyRule -Identity site:Redmond/74ba9211-8610-42f9-91ba-846cdee98820 -Enabled $False

The command shown in Example 1 disables the client version policy rule that has the Identity site:Redmond/74ba9211-8610-42f9-91ba-846cdee98820. To disable the rule, the command includes the -Enabled parameter and the parameter value $False.

-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------

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Get-CsClientVersionPolicyRule -Filter "site:Redmond*" | Set-CsClientVersionPolicyRule -Description "Client policy rules for Redmond"

Example 2 adds a generic description to all the client version policy rules assigned to the Redmond site. To do this, the command first calls Get-CsClientVersionPolicyRule along with the -Filter parameter; the filter value "site:Redmond*" limits the returned data to policy rules assigned to the Redmond site. This collection is then piped to the Set-CsClientVersionPolicyRule cmdlet, which assigns the Description "Client policy rules for Redmond" to each item in that collection.

-------------------------- Example 3 ------------------------

Copy Code
Get-CsClientVersionPolicyRule | Where-Object {$_.UserAgent -eq "UCCP"} | Set-CsClientVersionPolicyRule -Action "Block"

The preceding command effectively blocks the use of UCCP (Unified Communications Client Platform) clients throughout the organization. To carry out this task, the command first calls Get-CsClientVersionPolicyRule to retrieve a collection of all the client policy rules currently in use. This collection is then piped to the Where-Object cmdlet, which picks out only those rules where the UserAgent property is equal to (-eq) UCCP. This filtered collection is then piped to the Set-CsClientVersionPolicyRule cmdlet, which takes each item in the collection and sets the Action property to Block.