[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Returns a list of languages and dialects supported for use with Microsoft Communications Server 2010 dial-in conferences. These languages are used to relay audio messages and instructions to users participating in a conference by using a telephone.


Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList [-Identity <XdsIdentity>] [-LocalStore <SwitchParameter>]
Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList [-Filter <String>] [-LocalStore <SwitchParameter>]


Parameter Required Type Description




Indicates the dial-in conferencing language list to be returned. At this point in time there is only one such object: global. Because of this, you do not need to include this parameter and reference the object Identity when calling Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList.




Enables you to use wildcard characters when specifying a dial-conferencing language list. Because there is only one such object (global) you can return the language list without using either the -Filter or the -Identity parameter.



Switch Parameter

Detailed Description

Communications Server 2010 enables users to join conferences by using a telephone; these dial-in users cannot view video or exchange instant messages, but they can participate fully in the audio portion of the meeting. When users connect to a conference over the phone, they first hear a welcome message, and then are given instructions on how to join the meeting. (For example, depending on how the conference has been configured, they might be asked to state their name and then press the pound (#) key.) At various times Communications Server 2010 might need to issue additional messages or instructions; for example, if a user presses 1 on their telephone keypad the system will read a list of all the other keypad options available to them.

Administrators can configure the language, or languages, used in a dial-in conference to relay messages and instructions. The Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList cmdlet returns a list of the supported languages. The list itself is returned using 5-character language codes (for example, ca-ES to indicate Catalan). Dial-in conferencing supports the following languages:

ca-ES (Catalan)

da-DK (Danish)

de-DE (German)

en-AU (Australian English)

en-CA (Canadian English)

en-GB (British English)

en-IN (Indian English)

en-US (US English)

es-ES (Spanish)

es-MX (Spanish (Mexico))

fi-FI (Finnish)

fr-CA (Canadian French)

fr-FR (French)

it-IT (Italian)

ja-JP (Japanese)

ko-KR (Korean)

nb-NO (Norwegian)

nl-NL (Dutch)

pl-PL (Polish)

pt-BR (Portuguese (Brazilian))

pt-PT (Portuguese)

ru-RU (Russian)

sv-SE (Swedish)

zh-CN (Chinese)

zh-HK (Hong Kong S.A.R. Chinese)

zh-TW (Taiwan Chinese)

The supported language list is read-only. There is no way for you to add new languages to the list; that’s because there is no way for you to add a new, supported language to dial-in conferencing. Note, too that the list of available languages is configured at the global scope; you cannot give different lists to different sites. (However, you can assign different languages to different dial-in conferencing access numbers.)

Return Types

Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList returns an instance of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WriteableConfig.Settings.DialInConferencingSettings.DialInConferencingLanguageList object.


-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------

Copy Code

The command shown in Example 1 returns the complete list of supported languages. The DialInConferencingLanguageList object stores this information in the Languages property. In order to display each language onscreen, this command first uses Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList to return a collection of all the language lists and their properties. This call to Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList is enclosed in parentheses to ensure that Windows PowerShell carries out this operation before doing anything else. After the information has been returned, standard "dot notation" (the object name followed by a period followed by a property name) is used to display all the values stored in the Languages property.

For comparison purposes you might want to contrast the information display by the command in Example 1 with this command: Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList.

-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------

Copy Code
$x = Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList
$x -contains "pl-PL"

The preceding command demonstrates how you can query Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList to see if a particular language code appears in the list of supported languages. In the first line, Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList is called in order to return information about all the supported languages; this information is stored in a variable named $x. In line 2, the Windows PowerShell operator -contains is used to see if the language code "pl-PL" is contained anywhere within that list of supported languages. If it is, Windows PowerShell will report back True. If "pl-PL" cannot be found in the list of supported languages then Windows PowerShell will report back False. (Replace "pl-PL" with "cz-cs" to see what happens if a language code is not found.)