Retrieves information about the device update management test devices that have been configured for use in your organization. Test devices provide a way for administrators to test firmware updates before those updates are distributed to all the devices in an organization.
Get-CsTestDevice [-Identity <XdsIdentity>] [-LocalStore <SwitchParameter>] |
Get-CsTestDevice [-Filter <String>] [-LocalStore <SwitchParameter>] |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Identity |
Optional |
XdsIdentity |
Indicates the Identity of the test device to be returned. To refer to an individual device named UCPhone that is stored in the global collection, use this syntax: -Identity global/UCPhone. To refer to a device found in a site collection, use syntax similar to this: -Identity site:Redmond/UCPhone. To refer to an entire collection, leave off the device name. For example, this syntax returns all the test devices configured for the Redmond site: -Identity site:Redmond. Note that you cannot use wildcards when specifying an Identity. |
Filter |
Optional |
String |
Provides a way for you to use wildcard characters when specifying the test device (or devices) to be returned. For example, to return all the test device collections that have been configured at the site scope use this syntax: -Filter "site:*". To return all the devices that have the term "EMEA" in their Identity use this syntax: -Filter "*EMEA*". Note that -Filter acts only on the Identity of the test device collection; you cannot filter on other collection. properties. |
LocalStore |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Detailed Description
By identifying specific Microsoft Communicator “14” Phone Edition phones or other devices as test devices, administrators can verify and approve firmware updates before those updates are rolled out to all the relevant devices in the organization. When device update rules are imported to Microsoft Communications Server 2010, those rules are marked as "pending;" that means that the updates corresponding to these rules will not automatically be downloaded and installed by the affected devices.
Instead, these pending rules will be downloaded and installed by any relevant test devices. That’s the whole idea behind test devices: new device update rules are automatically applied to test devices, giving administrators the opportunity to very that the firmware updates work as expected. If they do, those administrators can then mark the rules as approved; approved rules are then downloaded and installed by all the relevant devices in the organization.
Test devices can be assigned to either the global or the site scope. You can use the Get-CsTestDevice cmdlet to retrieve information about one or more of the test devices currently configured for use in your organization.
Return Types
Get-CsTestDevice returns one or more instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WriteableConfig.Settings.DeviceUpdate.TestDevice object.
-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------
Copy Code | |
Get-CsTestDevice |
Example 1 returns all the test devices in the organization. Calling Get-CsTestDevice without any additional parameters will return all the test devices currently in use.
-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------
Copy Code | |
Get-CsTestDevice -Identity site:Redmond/UCPhone |
The preceding example returns the test device named UCPhone that was assigned to the Redmond site.
-------------------------- Example 3 ------------------------
Copy Code | |
Get-CsTestDevice -Identity site:Redmond |
In Example 3, the command returns all the test devices configured for the Redmond site.
-------------------------- Example 4 ------------------------
Copy Code | |
Get-CsTestDevice -Filter site:* |
The preceding command returns all the test devices that have been configured at the site scope. To do this, the command uses the -Filter parameter; the filter value "site:*" limits the returned data to test devices that have an Identity that begins with the string value "site:".